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I couldn't sleep at all when I got home. My mind was running wild and I knew something was about to happened. Bitting my lip, my mind went through all the things that could happen or could be happening. Growling, I shot up and reached for my beat up conserves. I couldn't just sit here while they could be in trouble. Grabbing my keys and phone I slammed the door shut on my way out to walk around Gotham.

A ring interrupted my walk down the stairs, " Bruce?"

" Percy. I need you to come in." Bruce sounded distressed and worried. I knew what had happened.

After I ran to the manor, I needed a minute to catch my breath. I gave myself no breaks and sprinted all the way. Walking in, I didn't bother to knock. " Bruce?! Alfred?!"

I ran into the batcave, " Hello?"

" Dammit." I snarled.

" Alfred!" I called out, " This place is too big."

" It is quite hard to mange," Alfred spoke, appearing out of nowhere, " Master Bruce would like to speak with you."

My eyes were wide and my heart was beating fast. " Don't sneak up on me!"

He chuckled, but it was different. It wasn't his normal laugh, Alfred was obviously nervous for the boys, " My apologies."

I followed him to Bruce's room and walked in. Bruce's torso was wrapped in bandages and was slightly bruised from where you could see. He had an emotionless face on but his hands were clenched in a worried way, " Percy."

" Bruce." I mocked in the same voice. Then my whole demeanor changed, after remembering that this was a serious situation.

" You are good at fighting, right." That wasn't the real question he was asking though. The broken hero was asking if I was willing to go save the boys.

" Yeah, I'm okay." I shrugged. I could most definitely hold my own.

" Since I'm out of commission, I need you to go save the boys. This isn't a long time commitment. You are just the closest and the most qualified by the dreams-"

" I'll do it." I interrupted. There was nothing that would stop me from helping them.

So it turns out that in all of Batman's preparations, he had a suit in case one of the boys turned into girls. So, thankfully, I was the same build as girl Dick. I had on the black spandex bodysuit with the blue stripe in the shape of a bird. The domino mask was on and covering my face. Turning to Alfred, " Can I change the sticks for swords or something?"

" Yes. Damian had requested that we got more of these after he dueled you the other day." Alfred disappeared and came back with the Greek swords which looked like riptide. My heart melted a bit at hearing that, " I trust you can drive the bat mobile?"

" I mean, how different is it from a normal car?" I shrugged, then walked over to said car.

Alfred chuckled, " Miss Perseus, please be careful. I would hate for me or Master Bruce to suit up."

I nodded, then gave a two finger salute.

The wear house where the last coordinates of the boys were already set in the car so all I had to do was hit autopilot. Arriving there in record time, I hopped out of the car and hoped I wasn't too late. There were so many versions of this nightmare that I had forgotten which one was going to play out.

I quickly grabbed one of the swords from the stealth on my back and swung it around, trying to warm up my wrist. Silently creeping in, I could see the four boys just like in my dream. They were being held by chains hanging from the ceiling. It was exactly like my dream. Some trying to form a plan or just trying not to look terrified.

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