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After entering high school the Emperor became even more popular. I could see in their eyes that the oneesamas in the 2nd and 3rd years seemed especially serious about catching him.
So far they’d always seen him as a middle school kid, but then now he was a high schooler just like them. Not only that but his appearance was mature so he didn’t look younger than them, and most importantly he was the heir to the Kaburagi group. You would be pretty serious considering all that.
Outside of close friends though, Kaburagi himself has been silent as usual. Thanks to that nobody noticed his faults. Silence truly is golden.
Hm. Is it my imagination that a lot of girls are wearing Yurie-sama’s haircut?

Anyway, about Emperor. One day dear Emperor was seated in the salon, partaking in a crème chiboust.

I always start gaining weight the moment I eat anything sweet so why is it that boys never gain weight despite gobbling everything down. So jealous.
Thinking about it, rumour has it that the Emperor goes horseback riding as a hobby. Maybe it really is all the exercise. He turned down the Horse-riding Club, but I bet he would have joined had it been a polo club, right? After all, he’s the Emperor of Cavalry Battles. Upfftpftt.

Maybe I should try swimming or something. But for some reason I have trouble staying underwater. Even though I’ll try my bestttt to dive downwards, I immediately start floating upwards. What the heck is that. Would it help if I went and took lessons?

While I was thinking about stupid things, a 3rd year boy came up to me.

“Reika-san, is anything bothering you? You seemed to be deeply considering something.”

Deeply considering? Uh, I thinking about how I wanted a crème chiboust too, and that I should hurry home so I can needle felt…

“No, nothing of import. I was simply pondering the theme for my next flower arrangement.”

“Ahh, that’s your hobby isn’t it. Should I find the chance I’d definitely want to have a look.”

“Goodness, my creations are certainly not good enough to be shown.”

Hmmmm. All these guys have been randomly approaching me since I’ve entered high school. And I keep getting party invitations too. I’ve been trying to turn those down though.
I mean, I’m interested in romance but guys who come after me all calculating and stuff are a bit…
After that I continued discussing flower arrangement with the few other people who came along.

Today was the first time Sakura-chan had come to my house.
She’s an ojousama from Yurinomiya Girls School, so Okaasama quite liked her. After seeing Oniisama off to work, I lead Sakura-chan to my room.

“Wow, as expected of the Kisshouin family. Even in Yurinomiya there aren’t many girls with such big houses. And I met the heir too. Maybe I should brag to my seniors or something.”

The very moment she stepped through the door she stopped bothering with the pretenses.
I put down some chilled tea on the table, as well as the luxury fruit jelly that Sakura-chan brought as a gift.

“About Oniisama?”

“Is there any other heir? Amongst older girls he’s like the prime pick right now, you know?”

“Hmmm. Is that so.”

Gosh, I’d hate that. What if Oniisama married a gold digger. I want him to be happy.
Ah, but well, I doubt Oniisama would get caught by such a person anyway.

“Wow, this Kiwi jelly’s pretty good.”

“You really do like sweet things, don’t you Reika.”

“Uu. I’ve actually been wondering about my weight again recently… Am I still in the clear?”

“Have you been continuing yoga?”

The Villainess Reika-samaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon