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Four days later I was suddenly rushed by Gaudy Piercings, right as I returned to cram school for the first time in a while.

“Kisshouin-saan! I’m so sorry!”

Uwah!? What’s with this guy!?

It creeped me out so I had taken a step back in reflex, but the guy didn’t mind and continued to rant.

“Since that happened, you haven’t been coming to cram school at all! I’ve been feeling so bad about it. I’m really sorry!”

Can somebody tell me what this guy is on about?

Then, who knows why, but he suddenly slumped in depression all on his own.

“You rushed out of the classroom right after, and you only came back when lunch ended. I was so worried that you were off crying somewhere.”

…Hmm? Oh! That time with the chakinzuchi!?
That’s right! I forget not the enmity you sowed on that day, scoundrel!

“And then you stopped coming as well. Was it because you didn’t wanna see me? Have you been crying at home every day?”

Oh yeah. Come to think of it, the day after the chakinzushi incident I skipped cram school to do that fasting course, didn’t I. Wow, it feels like so long ago. Aah, that course was hell~
Thanks to that though, apparently Gaudy Piercings came up with the idea that my feelings had been hurt, and had been arbitrarily wallowing in guilt for the last three days. My condolences.
I’m not going to tell him though. He stole my precious chakinzushi, so this is his punishment. Kekeke!
The enmity sowed due to food is a terrifying thing.

“I never thought you’d be hit with so much shock. I should have realised though. You’re a real ojousama. You’re more delicate than guys like us. You even look like you’ve lost weight over it.”

Eh!? What was that!? Did he just say what I thought he did? Did he just say I look like I’d lost weight!?
…Gaudy Piercings, I’ll make an exception just this once!

“Please do not trouble yourself over it. I was simply feeling under the weather, and had been resting at home,” I smiled as I forgave him. Just this once I’d let go of the grudge. It could disappear along with the fat I’d lost.

“Really!? Thank goodness! If you’re still feeling bad, then don’t overdo it, okay? Come on, sit down.”

Originally I had planned on sitting away from them, but before I knew it he had brought me over to his group. Ununu, what a crafty one.

“‘ been a while, Kisshouin-saan. Soorry about this idiot.”

“He’s such a jerk for stealing your food like that.”

“Ojousama suuure are delicate~ After all, Kisshouin-san stayed at home just for something like that.”

Bobcut was really casually being caustic.

“Kisshouin-san said she was ill. Hey, if you don’t feel well then you have to speak up, okay?”

“Thank you for your concern.”

Gaudy Piercings was oddly gentlemanly. I guess it’s because he came up with this image of me being some dainty, sheltered rich girl. Naive. While Gaudy Piercings was feeling guilty, I was living it up in a high class Chinese restaurant, stealing shark fin soup from Otousama.

But he said I’d lost weight… My last checkup said that I’d lost two kilos, certainly, but I knew the weight would return the moment I started eating again.

I decided that I would put in the effort to keep my midriff like this though.

Gaudy Piercings, thank you for the motivation.

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