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My classmate Kisshouin Reika-sama was idolised by all the girls.
It was no surprise; Reika-sama looked like a princess and was as gorgeous as her name sake. Not only that but was a member of the elite Pivoine, and on top of that she was smart too. She was like the perfect girl.
A lot of girls had dreams about becoming close to her. I did too, but her group was filled with nothing but girls as beautiful as she was. When I thought about what might happen to me socially if I somehow upset her I could never find the courage to try.
Sometimes I wondered what her life was like.
I pictured her sipping tea gracefully as she sat in a garden field of flowers, maybe hosting a poetry recital. Mn, it fit her so well!

When I entered my second year of middle school came an unbelievable chance to get closer to her.
Of all things, Reika-sama was coming to the summer camp! It should have been one of the last places anyone would expect her.
None of her other friends were participating. It was just her, which was how I ended up sharing a room with her.
Sharing a room with Reika-sama! My heart was beating so hard from the anxiety that I might do something to offend her, but thankfully she just smiled at me and said,

"This will be my first time at Summer Camp, so I hope you will look after me."

Even though Reika-sama was our age she was always calm. I had hardly ever seen her lose her composure. I wished I could be like that.

When night fell, it was time for the fireworks event. Reika-sama had started off by my side, smiling happily as she watched, but before I knew it she had disappeared. I looked around for her a little, only to find Reika-sama and Class Rep alone in a corner enjoying sparklers together.

Eh-!? Don't tell me it was a forbidden love between lady and servant!?

Not that I actually believed that, but it was fun to interpret it that way.
My friend Miharu-chan couldn't come this year because of her family so I decided to text her about it later. It was like the love between a princess and the chamberlain. Miharu-chan would definitely find it interesting too.
To be sure, amongst us girls it was agreed that the one who suited Reika-sama best was Kaburagi-sama. But out of nowhere, a shocking rival appeared in the form of the Imperial Chamberlain, getting in between the Princess and the Emperor. I wondered what would happen next.

I never could quite fall asleep unless I was in complete darkness. When we found out we were sharing a room I told her about my worries, but Reika-sama agreed with a smile. Thank goodness.
When it came time for lights out, it was time for bed. I had been lying in the darkness for a while when suddenly I heard Reika-sama.

"Daro da- de ni da na nara!"

...Eh? What was that just now?
For some reason it sounded like the mnemonic for remembering na-adjectives...
Was she awake?

"Reika-sama? What's wrong?"


"Um, Reika-sama?"


Eh... Don't tell me, sleep-talking!?
But she was speaking so clearly...
No, it must have been my imagination.
I decided to try and sleep.

After a little while, Reika-sama's voice rang out in the darkness again.

"Karo ka- kuu ii kere!"

This time was the mnemonic for i-adjectives!?

"...Reika-samaa~? Are you awaake~?"


Apparently Reika-sama studied even in her dreams. As expected of her.
I pulled my futon up over my head.

I hoped she wouldn't begin reciting the Tsurezuregusa essays next...

The next morning was the hike. For some reason Reika-sama had taken a metal pole from somewhere and was using it like a traveller's walking stick.

The Villainess Reika-samaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن