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It was finally here. The day of Tomoe-senpai's graduation.
As the Student Council President, naturally Tomoe-senpai was the one giving the address. Aahh. This would be the last time seeing Tomoe-senpai in his uniform. Goodbye, first love of mine. ...Just kidding. I just felt like being a little extravagant.
First I congratulated the graduating Pivoine members as a fellow member. After that I made my way towards Tomoe-senpai. Around him was a huge crowd of other graduates. It was a little nerve-wracking.

"Congratulations on graduating, Tomoe-senpai!"

"Thanks, Kisshouin-san."

Uu, being so close was making me teary... It's going to be so lonelyy.

"Thanks for the chocolate the other day. Kasumi was overjoyed too."


Ah, he just said Kasumi. Was that okay now?
I looked at him questioningly, and he smiled and nodded.


Kasumi looked up with a start amidst her group of friends a distance away.
Seeing us, she walked over and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and dropped her bombshell announcement.

"Everybody, we're dating!"

As the former Student Council President and a member of the Pivoine, the news caused quite a stir.
Both the Student Council and the Pivoine had taken quite a shock.
I was moved though, and began clapping passionately. Uwaah, uwahh, this was the world of shoujo romance that I admiredd!
After graduating they didn't really have much to do with the Pivoine or StuCo, right! Now they could walk happily through university with their hands held, right!

Influenced by my own clapping, other people began to follow. The applause grew louder and louder.
Tomoe-senpai smiled and waved, but Kasumi-sama had turned beet red. She seemed happy though. Aaahh! Kasumi-sama was crying! Oh no, now I was crying! I'm so happy for you, Kasumi-sama! You've had to hide it for so long. It must have hurt not being able to tell anyone.

The two of them slipped out of the crowd of shocked onlookers and came to where I was.
I gave them another clap of the hands.

"Thank you, Kisshouin-san."

"Thank you, Reika-sama."

"Cob-, cobgrajul-, leshonss!!"

Oh no, my nose was all stuffy from the crying.
I pulled out a handkerchief and stealthily wiped away the mucus along with my tears. ...Phew, I could finally breathe again.

"I am so glad for you, Kasumi-sama. You can finally love each other in public."

"Thank you for everything, Reika-sama. I was really happy to have somebody like you to talk to."


And now I was crying again. And she was too, as we held hands. Oh, no, Kasumi-sama, this handkerchief has my snot on it...

"Kisshouin-san, I've always thought of you as a cute little sister as well. Thanks for everything. I hope you and Kasumi will stay close even after we're gone."

"Yes. I will always wish you two well."

Tomoe-senpai rubbed me on the head. Uwaaan! Are you really okay with this good-for-nothing as a sisterrr!?

Oniisama, Imari-sama, and now Tomoe-senpai. I was blessed by wonderful Oniisamas all around!

After seeing them off, I realised that my tears had finally stopped.
It was a little embarrassing to have bawled like that, so I found an abandoned corner of the school building. I was finally alone. Pulling out some tissues, I blew my nose hard. Aahh, finally clear!
Hahhh. It was amazing how much better I felt now.

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