[127 - The Handicrafts Club's Shop Boy POV]

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Because of my grandma's influence I've enjoyed handicrafts since I was young. Whenever winter came I would always begin to knit with her. Anything simple enough to make, I made. Whenever I finished something I could show it to everyone, and it really made me happy when they praised me for it.

My favourite had to be embroidery. Creating a complex design with nothing but thread took a lot of hard work. It was hard to describe just how fulfilling it was when I completed one.

But it wasn't long before I found out that boys were mocked for doing these things. I was teased quite a lot in primary and middle school because of it. I didn't join the Home Economics Club in middle school for that reason. I figured that I could just do it at home.

I hadn't planned to change my mind in high school either. But Zui'ran was my first choice and I went to their school festival to scout it out. The moment I laid eyes on the wedding dress centrepiece for the Handicrafts Club, my heart was stolen.

I heard from others that the club had worked together to create it. I wondered if I could make something like that too if I joined...

After desperate study, I managed to get accepted. It was overwhelming just how incredible the facilities were compared to any other school I knew.

In my middle school I had been one of the more well-off students, but the wealth of the Internal Students was a different order of magnitude. And the students called the Pivoine were simply beyond comparison.

I had heard stories about them before entering. About how not only were they wealthy, but they held the power at school. There was a room called the Salon that was exclusive to them, and it was unthinkable to cross them because they could do anything they wanted without consequence. According to the rumours, if you angered one they could torment you until you dropped out of school... It was frightening. My own grade supposedly held ten of them. I realised that I had to avoid their attention or else...

Despite the trouble I had adjusting to a new school, I was ready to visit the club that I longed for.
Completely as expected, the club was nothing but girls. I wasn't sure what to do, and considered giving up on it after all.

But the new model of embroidery machine had gotten hold of me. I was a firm believer of manual embroidery but I wanted to try all of it! The weaving machine seemed like fun!

I happily listened to all the senpai speak about handicrafts. I would probably be made fun of again, but I really wanted to join.

At some point I noticed a row of torso mannequins in the back of the room. By chance I caught sight of a full mannequin wearing our uniform.

My curiosity drew me over. What lay beyond was an intricately made life-sized doll of a girl with ringlets. Or so I thought but she was alive! She was a human! Eh? Why on earth was she sitting there, I wondered.

The girl didn't notice me and never lifted her head. Upon closer inspection I realised that she was absorbed with stabbing something with a needle. Eh... A voodoo spell...?

She seemed like a dangerous person... I wondered if this club was actually suspicious...

While I was stuck watching with my heart thumping in my chest, somebody called me from behind. I couldn't help but let out a small shriek.

"Is something wrong?" the Club President had whispered.

"Umm... Who is that person?" I whispered back.

For a moment I saw her eyes swim.

"That's a member of our club from 2nd Year."

...I fearfully asked just one more question.

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