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Real Daughter Slaps Her Face Everyday [Entertainment Circle] Chapter 16:
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When Meng Zhen stepped onto the stage, the whole venue was quiet for a moment. All the audience saw the graceful figure in a cheongsam, with just the right makeup, which faded away the pure innocence that belongs to a girl, and it was a little more charming and charming.

"Oh my God, is that Meng Zhen? She looks better in cheongsam than the flower demon."

"Everyone knows what she looks like. Isn't it a plastic surgery? The plastic surgery monster is disgusting!"

"No matter if she has not undergone plastic surgery, she is still beautiful now, but I have watched "Dream of Youth" before. Meng Zhen doesn't know any musical instrument. She can sing and dance normally. At this moment, she is holding the Erhu in her arms. Right? It's a shame to take the initiative to take the stage for Bo's ratings, it's really miserable to be transparent.

Several Le Yuanzhao fans in the front row discussed in a low voice, they did not have any good feelings for Meng Zhen, and naturally they would not say good things to her.

After the host briefly said a few words, the stage lights suddenly dimmed, and a beam of soft light hit Meng Zhen, who became the only focus in the venue.

The girl was sitting on a wooden bench with her back straight, the piano tube placed on the base of her left leg close to her lower abdomen, and the bow in one hand, began her playing.

The beginning of the music is a typical instrumental melody, and the passionate rhythm shows the sight of the galloping horse in front of everyone, whether it is the neigh of the horse or the momentum of running, it is reflected in the sixteenth note.

Meng Zhen was very focused when playing. Because he was too emotional, the trimmed eyebrows were slightly folded, and the pink lips were also drawn into a line, which was obviously completely integrated into the music.

Professor Ning, who was sitting in the judges' bench, turned out to have an unsightly face, but when he heard Meng Zhen's piano sound, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, his expression relaxed a little.

Zhang Zhongqing leaned against the teacher and said with a smile: "Look, the show crew is quite discerning, how well this little girl surnamed Meng performed."

Professor Ning pushed the students away, the expression on his face showed a bit of disgust, "Don't disturb me listening to the tune."

Zhang Zhongqing: "..."

Fang Jing, who was sitting on the far right, laughed.

Meng Zhen's body and mind are integrated into the music. She feels that her heart is drawn by an invisible and intangible silk thread. When the tune is high, it will be lifted into the sky, and when the tune is low, it will fall into a trough.

After the performance of the song, her forehead oozes fine sweat, and a faint pink halo floats on her cheeks, like a rose that has just gone through a torrential rain, exuding indescribable charm.

Le Yuanzhao fans looked at the face on the big screen, in an indescribable mood. Although they like their idols, they are not deaf, and can tell the quality of the music.

Compared with Le Yuan's stumbling and barely finished guzheng, Meng Zhen's erhu solo is comparable to Tianlai.

Such a sharp contrast hurt the hearts of the fans, who froze in place, neither applauding nor cheering, as quiet as a stone sculpture.

The host walked onto the stage and praised in awe, "Audience friends, Teacher Meng is only 18 years old this year, and it is not easy for Erhu to pull so well."

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