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"Y/NNN!" HANGE SCREAMED AND RAN UP TO ME, giving me a large hug.

"mom! i missed you so much!" i yelled back and hugged them back tightly. i released from their grasp and turned to the irritated man who sipped his tea quietly. i ran to him and hugged him tightly. "happy birthday!" i giggled.

"tch, thank you, brat." he smiled gently and hugged me back. the couple had aged, levi with little bits of grey in his hair and hange with slight wrinkles.

    "i feel like it's been forever since i've seen you guys!" i sadly smiled. eren finally reached the inside of the house and slipped off his shoes. levi glared at him and let out a tch. "it's okay, dad." i whispered. in fact i think i've been so busy that i haven't told them we were dating.

    "i apologize for the intrusion." eren weakly smiled and slid off his coat. i walked over and grabbed it from him, hanging it up on the rack.

    "uhm, i would like to say something really quickly—" i took a deep breath and looked into hange's excited eyes, and levi's annoyed ones. "eren and i... we're dating." i announced. hange's featured brightened while levi's glare only deepened. "i know what he did in college was, and little out of lane. but! he's apologized and treats me wonderfully."

    hange ran up to us and gave a big hug. "okay! so how about 1 boy, 1 girl? and what about the names... rebecca and james?!" they exclaimed.

    i smiled gently. "we haven't talked about children yet, and plus we've only be dating for around 6 months now." i anxiously giggled.

    "6 months and you haven't told us until now?" levi snarled. i mumbled an 'oops?' but all he did was tch. after hange talked out ear off about children some more levi stood up and looked at us. eren squeezed my hand as levi made direct eye contact with him. mind you; he was looking up... "i swear to fucking god you german brat, if i ever catch wind of you hurting her EVER. i'll murder you and your precious dreams."

    "y-yes, sir." eren muttered. i chuckled at his nervousness, but it's understandable cause levi doesn't joke around. "i love y/n with all my heart, i will do anything to protect her and make her feel like she's the most loved woman who's ever walked on this planet."

    that was unexpected.

    i felt my cheeks heat up and eren squeezed my hand again. i looked up and our eyes met. he pulled me in for a hug. "i hope you believe me." he stated once more and released me. i swear when he does things like this, i love him a little more.

    "I APPROVE, I APPROVE!" hange squealed. "but jaeger, what levi said is true. i'll be apart of that murder as well." hange glared. even took off their glasses to meet eren's gaze. eren nodded sternly and pulled me into a tight side hug. "but now let's open gifts! i have some for you y/n!"

    "ah, you didn't need to, mom!" i smiled and walked over to the tree with them. hange grabbed their infamous santa hat they had on the fireplace and put it on as they handed out gifts.

    "oh! and i got things for mikasa, armin, and eren too!" they beamed. i looked to see eren's face a little shocked.

    "say, have you seen your parents lately, eren?" i asked. he looked to me and shook his head. my eyes widened. "what?! nonsense! we're going there tonight!" i yelped.

    "it's okay! we should spend time with your family first."

    "y/n's right, y'know." hange interrupted. eren looked to them, and once more they were serious. "carla has been talking about how much she misses her little boy." they smiled. eren's face heated up and his eyebrows furrowed.

★brunette bastard : e.jaeger ﹆🐟⨯Where stories live. Discover now