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     We all walked inside the big house. When the group saw us they all came over to give hugs and say hi. I stood behind Wilbur, trying to make myself invisible. He knew what I was trying to do, he grabbed my shoulder and made me stand in front of him.

     "Everyone, this is Y/n, my little brother." Slowly people came up and introduced themselves to me, and either gave me a hug or shook my hand. It was too much at one time. "Toby, save me" I whispered to him who was still beside me. 

     He took my hand and we took off running. We made it to the kitchen and started laughing. I sat down on the counter while he roamed around looking into cupboards and the fridge to see what was there. "Ugh, there's nothing here" 

     "They'll probably go to the store soon, don't worry Tubby" He walked over to me and sat down on the counter facing me. He smiled at me, that wonderful, contagious smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him. 

     "Hey um-" Wilbur walked into the kitchen. "Come here lover boys were talking about room assignments." 

     I felt my face heat up. Oh no. "Coming" I mumbled and left the kitchen quickly, not making eye contact with Toby. 

     I saw Skeppy and Bad holding a list and everyone gathered around them. "Alright. Dream and george, Punz and Sapnap," Bad started listing off the pairs. "Niki will be with Minx when she gets here. Wilbur with Tommy" 

     "What? No!" Wilbur screamed and Tommy started laughing again. "Tubbo you're with y/n" I looked over at Toby whos face was now red. "Okay." He grabbed his stuff and headed towards the stairs. I followed him. 

     We found our room and walked inside. "Um-" We noticed there was only one queen sized bed. "I'll go talk to them." I turned around and went to talk to Bad. 

     "Bad?" He looked to me "What's up y/n?" I saw that Wilbur started to walk over. I panicked about what he would say so I grabbed bad by the arm and dragged him away.  "Is everything okay?" 

     "There's only one bed in me and Toby's room." I looked down at the floor as I felt my face get hot again. "Oh yeah.. sorry about that but there were only a couple rooms with two beds. And I thought Niki said you wanted to share with Tubbo?" I stared at him in shock. 

     "What?" He must've realized that he wasn't supposed to mention it. "U-um.." I walked away to find Niki. She was talking to Technoblade and Dream. "Niki, why did you do that?" 

     Dream and Techno looked over at me, then Niki. "What are you talking about?" we weren't talking loud so that no one but techno and dream could hear us, but I didn't really care. I was mad at Niki, I told her how I felt about Toby, and how he could never like me the same way and now she does this. 

     "You told Bad that I wanted to share a bed with Toby! You know he's never going to like me back. We both do. Why." I stared at her waiting for an answer. "You like Toby?" Dream spoke up and I glared at him. "Never to be repeated." He made a motion that was like zipping up his lips.   

     "Y/n, its obvious he likes you back. Maybe he just needs a little push." She looked at me, smiling nervously. I couldn't help but start to tear up. I sat down next to her and she hugged me. "Niki, he'd never like me." 

     She wiped the tears away from my cheek. "Just give it a chance?" I nodded and smiled. "Okay.. I will." I got up to go back to the room. 

      "Hey y/n, what'd Bad say?" I walked into the room and plopped down on the bed. "He said there were only a couple rooms with two beds and that we can't move." I didn't think it'd be a good idea to tell him Niki set it all up. 

     "Well it wont be that bad, right?" He laid down next to me. I looked over at him and he was smiling in my direction. "No I guess it wont be." I smiled back. We looked into each others eyes for a minute. I saw Toby slowly start leaning in. 

     What was he doing- is he actually about to- "Hey- Woah woah woah, what were you doing?" Wilbur had burst into the room and interrupted my thoughts. "Nothing!" Tubbo sat up immediately. 

     "What do you want Wil?" I was getting impatient. He looked to me then Toby, staying quiet for a second. "Um me and a couple other people are going to go to the store. I was wondering if either of you wanted to go?" 

      I shook my head. "No thanks, I think I'm going to take a nap." Tubbo nodded "Me too." Wilbur nodded back. "Okay, just don't- ah never mind." Wilbur left and closed the door. 

     I got up and grabbed my bag. I started to unpack and put things away in the drawers. "Do that laterrrrrr come take a nap." Toby stood up and came over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "But I need to do this Tubbyy"

     He pulled me into a tight hug. "No, later." He was warm, he made me feel safe in his arms. "Fine. Later." I took off my shoes and climbed into bed and he did the same on the other side. 

     "Its not fair." I whined. "What isn't?" We were both laying down, facing each other. "How easily you can convince me to do something." I jokingly pouted. "Aww, come here" He opened his arms and I scooched closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around me. 

     He kissed the top of my head and I felt my face start to get red. He started playing with my hair and humming a song. It was nice.. calming. I wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted to lay in his arms for the rest of time. 

     It was a mixture of the warmth, him playing with my hair, my exhaustion, and the soft vibrations from him humming that ended up putting me to sleep in Toby's arms once again. 


Sorry once again for the short chapter, im just trying to get one out before i go to bed. I had an exhausting day 

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