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My alarm wakes me from my sleepless dream, recalling yesterday's events I groan when I realize I have to go to school. At least I actually remembered to do it this time instead of pushing it to today.

I get out of bed to do my morning routine... and deal with other things.

I take a bite into my toast and text Sayori that I'm ready to go, surprised that I managed to do everything before it was time to go, also making a mental note to shift around my schedule a little bit. I walk outside and make a left instead of a right toward the school, making sure the girl isn't still sleeping. Hopefully we both won't be late.


The day goes on like usual, everyone continues to settle in and the mention of homework is already circulating, making me wish I never came to school today.

The day ends in what feels just as fast as it began... well maybe that was because I was sleeping. Yeah, I definitely need to shift my schedule around. I sigh and make my way to the literature club with my poem in hand. I hope they appreciate my effort... because I really will just get some shit off of Tumblr and call it a day-

"Angel I was looking for you," Sayori snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hey strawberry, sorry- I wasn't thinking," I say, remember Sayori usually meets me outside of my last class.

"Hmph, I'll let it slide only because you called me strawberry," She says while grabbing my hand, dragging me up the stairs. "Oh yeah! Can we go to the vending machine first?" she happily asks. I sigh and nod, knowing I'd have to pay for what she wanted.

After paying for our snacks, we finally made our way to the clubroom. I take a quick look around the room before the door shuts, only to see all the girls here already, looking like they're waiting for something.

"Oh- they're here!" Monika speaks first, shortly after getting hugged by an over-enthusiastic Sayori.

I get the feeling someone's staring at me and I look around to see Natsuki and Yuri staring at me. They both look away with flushed faces, knowing they were caught. I snicker as I walk over Monika, who pulls me into an unexpected hug.

"I'm glad you didn't bail on us, Romeo," she mumbles next to my ear. I feel my face flush at the old nickname, and a weird feeling stirs in my stomach. I hug her back, "U- uh yeah, glad to be here,"

I'd facepalm at my awkwardness if I could, trust me. As soon as she lets go of me I immediately miss her warmth, confusing me slightly. I brush it off when I see Yuri heading towards me.

"I hope you're not overwhelmed with all of this Y/n, I like your presence around here," She says when she finally stands in front of me.

I give her my most genuine smile in return, letting her know the feeling is mutual. Natsuki makes her presence known in a few words, "H- hey dummy,"

"Hey gnome," I say back.

Just as I expected, she looks away, stunned with the nickname. She mutters something under her breath yet again, before I can ask what she said she speaks up. "Sayori told me you didn't even wanna join any clubs this year,"

I examine her face as it twists into something more sinister causing me to gulp, for a small girl she sure is intimidating when she wants to be.

"I don't know if you just came here to hang out or whatever," she pauses to glare up at me, "But if you don't take this seriously, we'll make sure you do."

I slowly blink, wondering how I should even respond to that. It's not like I had any intention of doing so... well besides stealing poems- anyways. I'm not sure if I should be afraid or laugh at the small girl's face.

I decide on both yet step closer to her, leaning down slightly. "Is that a.. threat?" I ask, trying to gauge if that was the angle she was going for. Her face turns a harsh shade of red; But before she can answer, Monika starts speaking-

"Natsuki sure has a big mouth for someone who keeps their mAnGA in the clubroom."

If looks could kill Monika would be 6-foot deep right now with the way Natsuki is glaring at her.

"Manga is literature, what are you saying you squid-" Natsuki fires back.

...did she just call her a squid?

Monika's face turns into one of confusion before she ultimately a laugh rumbles in her throat. "Did you just call me a squid?" The thought causes Monika to laugh harder, causing the rest of us to start giggling too at Natsuki's strange words.

Natsuki crosses her arms and sits down, fed up and embarrassed enough for the day it seems.

After we all stop laughing, Sayori starts speaking, "Yuri actually got you something today Y/n, I think that's really cute and sweet!"

I glare at her, smacking her arm, "Stop being insensitive"

She rubs her arm... even though obviously didn't hurt, anything to make me feel bad huh? "Sorry ehehe, I wasn't really thinking,"

I roll my eyes, turning to look down at Yuri, who stood there seeming just as shocked as I felt. Wait... she got me a gift?

"You really got me a gift, Yuri?" I ask, not able to hide my bewilderment in my actions.

"Um... not really" she timidly responds, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't be shy now Yuri!" Sayori says, seemingly forgetting that she put Yuri into this uncomfortable situation in the first place. I glare at her in the corner of my eye, and I guess she saw because she immediately shuts up.

"It really nothing..." she mutters, glancing up at us. "What is it?" I ask curiously, feeling everything in me wanting to know. I give her a smile, hoping it'd reassure her.

"I- it's nothing really! Sayori made it sound like a big deal when it's really not.."

I nod, still trying to process the fact that she actually got me something. "I honestly wasn't expecting anything," I say while sitting down on a desk in front of her, getting tired of standing. "But it makes me really happy that you thought to get me something!"

"Oh- really?" She ponders.

"Yeah! I'm glad you got me something when you didn't have to, so we won't make a big deal out of it since it bothers you," I say, mainly referring to Sayori and I.

"She nods, seeming a bit more relieved and comfortable. Her shoulders quickly un-tense when she lets out a soft sigh, making me notice how tense they were in the first place. "Alright... well let me get it."


I hope you have a good day/night! 

~Junebug :)

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