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We decided to meet up at the movies... which now that I look back on it is probably one of the worst things we could've chosen due to all the different personalities.

They all looked so... different out of their uniforms, besides Sayori since I'm used to seeing her all the time. They couldn't be anything but ethereal, I was sure of it.

Thankfully none of the girls wanted to watch anything scary, but that still left a ton of options.

After what felt like an hour of back and forth complaining... they somehow decided on a movie. It also happened to be the one I originally mentioned and I'm just saying we could've saved so much t-

"Y/n, why do you have a bookbag?" Yuri asked, a slightly confused look on her face.

"For snacks, what else!" Sayori says, a little too loudly may I add. I shh'ed her even though it was obvious in the first place, the workers just don't care. I think even they knew the stuff they have is overpriced...

At this point, we're all walking to the room where the movie is playing. "We should get snacks next time before we come here," Natsuki says.

"That's not a bad idea actually... that way you can't complain about the stuff I got," I say, remembering when Natsuki complained when she saw the lack of candy in my bag.

She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Stop being ungrateful Nat, Romeo is very nice for sharing in the first place," Monika says and Yuri nods in agreement with her.

"..Did you just call her Romeo-?" Natsuki asks, looking at Monika like she was insane.

Monika turns a bright shade of red, now realizing her slip up. "I- it's an old nickname... we used to know each other after all.." She trails off, not sure how to explain herself.

I chuckle, not used to seeing Monika so flustered.

The project we had when we worked together happened to be the story of Romeo and Juliet... and you can guess I played Romeo. Which was honestly terrible besides the girls that hit me up after... not sure how a play gives you clout like that- but I wasn't complaining.

Anyways after that the name just stuck, and she'd call me it whenever we passed each other in the halls... much to my displeasure.

We finally make it to the room and it's basically empty which is honestly surprising since this seemed like a good pick. "This movie is about to be trash, there's barely anyone here!" Natsuki complains, making us laugh.

"It can't be that bad Nat- give it a chance," Yuri says. Natsuki just apologizes and looks away with a slight blush on her face... wait are they together?

Before I can sit down I feel the backpack being pulled off of my back, I honestly forgot I had it on. I look to see the girls already going through it and stealing my snacks... they're lucky they're cute.

After they're done I check to see what I have left.. which was as much as I expected it to be... I wasn't expecting to feed five-

"Wait..." I look around. "Natsuki- you're sharing those sour patches with me.." I say in a dark voice, already glaring at her.

"I'm sharing with Yuri, fuck off," She says, giving me the middle finger.

Just as I'm about to snatch them Yuri interrupts me, "Y- you want mine Y/n? She didn't mean that!" Yuri says, basically trying to feed one to me across from Natsuki.

I eat the treat from between her fingers, taking the opportunity to take some from Natsuki.

Sayori and Monika giggle at our antics, "I don't think she was being that serious Yuri," Monika says which makes me and Sayori laugh.

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