Chapter 5

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"Alright, five bucks says you can't do two backflips on the first go." Jordan says, holding his hand out to shake on it.

I squat down with my left hand resting on my skateboard, staring down at the dip in front of me.

I don't know if it's steep enough, deep enough, or if I can get enough air...

But that's five dollars he's betting...

And I'm craving some coffee.

Deciding to go for the flips, I nod my head and let out a small grunt. I stand up and shake Jordan's hand with a grin.

"Bring it on, Jordy." I say, smirking up at him before setting my board on the edge and preparing to fly down the side.

I take a deep breath, clearing all the thoughts from my mind.

Just let your instincts work, I think to myself.

Setting my jaw in determination, I set my foot onto the front of my board. I feel it tip down the edge before I am flying down the dip and through the center. I zoom up the the wall and can feel it when I become close to being suspended in the air. Just before my board leaves the ground, I throw my body back and grab the board with my hand.

One flip... Two flips...

I position myself and let the board slide back down the side, through the center, and carry me back up to a dumbfounded looking Jordan. I set my feet on the ground beside him with ease as he stares at me with his jaw dropped open.

I push the stray hairs from my face and look at him with a big grin before sticking my hand out to him, the palm facing the sky. "Pay up." I say, victory clear in my voice.

He shakes his head with a rueful smile. "I should've known better than to challenge you." He says as he sets a five-dollar bill in my hand.

I smirk and fold it, putting it in my back pocket and making my way to the gate of the skate park. "Yes, you should've. Now, I will celebrate by getting coffee." I say with a sense of achievement.

I hear Jordan sigh before heavy footsteps make their way to match my pace and walk beside me.

"So... Last one there pays for drinks?" He suggests, setting his board on the sidewalk and preparing to skate.

I smirk before sending him a sideway glance. "Sure." I say, holding my board on my hip and stopping. "I'll give you a head start."

He grins and looks at my mischievously. "Your loss." He says before taking off down the cement pathway.

Ten... Nine... Eight...

"You sure you don't want to come after me!?" I hear him shout behind him.

Seven... Six... Five...

I shake my head. "Nah, you need this!" I yell back.

Four... Three... Two...

"Your gonna regret it!"


"Bring it on!" I yell, throwing my board in front of me and skating quickly down the sidewalk.


"How did you... What... But I..." Jordan stammered disbelievingly as we entered the Starbucks a few minutes away from the skatepark.

"I'm just that skilled." I tease him with a smile. He huffs and hands me a ten-dollar bill. "Get me a mocha frappechino." He grumbles before trudging to sulk in a chair in the corner of the store.

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