Chapter 20: The Competiton (Part 1)

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Wew! Lol I'm pumped for this!

Let's gooooo!


"Are you sure about this? I mean, are you really sure about this?" I ask nervously, bouncing my leg and squirming on my chair as Julia began to unwrap my hair from the towel it was in.

"Yes, Tessa, for the eleventh time, I am sure." She responds in an exasperated tone.

"I know you're sure. But the question is: are you really sure?" I press on, my left eye beginning twitch.

Oh no.

Julia's hands stilled above my head, holding the remainder of towel in place.

"Did your eye twitch?"

"Uh... No."

My eye twitched again, causing Julia's eyes to go wide.

"Jordan! Jordan she's twitching!" Julia yells, not taking the towel off of my head.

You see, we made a discovery a few years ago. We discovered that when I am about to go bat-crap crazy out of either anger or nervousness, my eye twitches.

Heavy footsteps sound through the house as they come closer to the kitchen. "She's twitching? This can't be good." Jordan says, coming up and crouching in front of me.

"Jordan I'm fine," twitch, "I'm just a little nervous that's all."

He looks at me before cupping my face in is hands, forcing me to look at him. "Tessa, I know that a lot of times my plans are stupid and crazy. But trust me to say that I would not send my best friend to a battle without some kick ass protection. Nothing will go wrong, Tess. Just focus on winning that prize money." He says sincerely, never once breaking eye contact with me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming breath before looking at him and solemnly nodding my head.


He smiled at me just as Julia cleared her throat. "Well, now that we have all that mushy trust crap out of the way, let's see how much you look like a dumb blonde, shall we?"

I snort as Jordan laughs, standing from his crouched position.

"We shall." I say with a mischievous grin.

And then she unwrapped my hair.


"Remember, Jill's business party ends at midnight, and she will be home thirty minutes later. For safety precautions you have to be back at your house by twelve fifteen. Understood?" Miss R finalizes as she drives into the parking lot of the skating arena.

"Yes ma'am." I assure with a nod of my head. "But, what happens if they don't announce the winner before twelve?" I ask worriedly.

Jordan gives a careless shrug as Miss R parks the car. "Either Mom or I will collect the winnings for you." He says.

Julia decided to go back home, ensure us that if Jill got home early, she would be able to cover for us.

"Awesome." I say, unbuckling myself and hopping out of the car. I grabbed my skateboard from the car and slowly walked into the arena, fiddling with my mothers necklace as I did so.

We walked into the arena, and my mouth dropped open at the sight of everything.

The ramps and obstacles were in perfect condition. Not only were the grounds very well taken care of, but it seemed that this was a larger competition than I had come to realize. Surrounding the arena, were at least a thousand people sitting in seats, waiting for the show.

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