Chapter 22

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Okay, so I am kind of an anime person (Host Club and Bleach 5ever) and so when I wrote this first scene, I pictured Jordan and Julia arguing like anime characters, specifically the characters in bleach. I mean, c'mon, the stances they take when they are angry is SO FREAKIN FUNNY. If you want it to seem funnier, just imagine them as anime characters for a few seconds. TRUST ME IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT.

So yea, that is that. DEAL.


"Tess!" A familiar voice yelled from behind me. That exclamation was followed by the sound of someone being hit, a rough grunt, and then this lovely conversation...

"OW! What was that for?!" The voice I now recognize as Jordan barked.

"Are you trying to alert everyone in the freaking arena who she is?! Jeez, didn't you think about that at all?!" An angry and agitated female voice scolded him.

I scrunch my eyebrows and turn around on the gravel, wondering what on earth those two idiots were doing. I swear, you leave the children alone for a few minutes and World War Three breaks loose. That's right, you heard me correctly. I did indeed say children. After scanning the crowd for a few moments, my eyes fell upon the two idiots walking toward me, bickering like cat and dog.

"Of course I did! I just figured that no one would know I was calling her! It was you who made the statement about her secret! If anyone was going to reveal her to the public, it would be you!" Jordan retorts angrily, glaring down at an agitated Julia.

"Excuse me?! Are you blaming me for this?!" Julia shoves her finger into Jordan's face, poking his head violently. "I am not the idiot who yelled out her real name! All that jazz can be credited to you!"

Jordan grits his teeth together and practically growls at her as he swats her hand away, hunching his shoulders as he glares. "Not true! Why don't you be a real woman and go to a kitchen to make me a sandwhich!?" He retorts.

I raise one eyebrow at this, wondering two things: one, why on earth he said that of all things; two, what made him think that that would help the situation at all.

Julia's mouth drops open as she stares up at him with disbelief and incredulity clear on her face, her arms dangling at her side. Jordan apparently takes this as victory, because he then takes a victorious stance and does something that could only be described as the peak of maturity...

He sticks his tongue out at her.

Julia opens and closes her mouth like a fish, probably completely baffled on how to respond to such an idiotic statement. Before any more chaotic stupidity could occur, I quickly trotted over to them and attempted to start a new conversation.

"Hey guys! Was that an awesome ride or what?!" I exclaimed in an over-excited manner.

Of course, remember that I said I attempted to start a new conversation. My success? Well... I didn't exactly get the results I was hoping for...

"Oh yea! You were great!" Julia replies in a creepily over-happy way. For a second, I actually believed that I had successfully avoided the next Hurricane Katrina. That lovely thought was drop-kicked, stomped on, kicked for good measure, and then ran over by a bus. In shorter terms....

Completely and utterly obliterated.

"Maybe you could get back out there and show Jordan a few pointers! It's obvious he needs it!" She finishes, diminishing my hope of avoiding disaster and causing Jordan to glare at her even harder--if that is even possible.

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