Chapter 19

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The competition is in the next chapter!

Let's get this party started then, shall we?

Let's do this.

*cracks knuckles and begins typing like a master ninja typer*


"...and I want the stairs, hallways, carpeting, and bedrooms vacuumed too. Don't forget to wipe all the counters, in the kitchen and the bathroom. Also, make sure that when you dust..." Jill went on, piling chore after chore onto my already large workload.

You see, originally, she was just going to let me 'sulk' all alone as she went to a party for her work. But after I told her I was going to sleepover Jordan's house-seeing as I couldn't go to the competition-she suddenly 'remembered' that there were chores that needed to he done.

And by chores I mean she basically wanted me to wipe down and clean every single inch of the infrastructure we were living in.

Fudge my life.

As if the plan we had concocted to get me to the competition wasn't complicated enough.

Now I have to have the house completely spotless by the time she returns to her house at twelve thirty tonight. But oh no, that isn't going to be the hardest part. One of the more difficult parts of the events today is that I still dye my hair at Jordan's and I can't leave unless the house is spotless. Oh, but lets not forget the fact that it is eight o'clock in the evening and the competition begins at nine thirty. Leave it to skateboarding people to prefer a cool environment for the competition contrary to a normal afternoon tournament. I am already cutting it close with the fact that the award ceremony isn't until near the end of the afterparty-and I have to leave at midnight to safely get out of being caught by Jill.

Fudge. My. Life.

"...and finally, I want you to re-organize the movie case to be in alphabetical order. Am I clear?" Jill finishes, completely unaware of the nervous scheming and conspiring going on inside my thoughts.

"Yup, crystal." I reply absentmindedly, drumming my fingers on the counter as I sit on the bar stool.

She looks me up and down, narrowing her eyes in distaste before she pulls a folded up paper and tosses it onto the table in front of me. "Knowing you and your inability to actually understand your elders-" She smirks when she sees me clench my fists in agitation.

What I would give to wipe that smirk off of your plastic looking face.

"-I wrote all of your chores and responsibilities down on that list. I expect it to be one hundred percent done when I return, and there will be major consequences if it isn't. Understand? Or do I have to spell it out for you?" She finishes, her lips curling up into a sneer.

I give her a tight smile and tilt my head in a 'call-me-stupid-one-more-time-beeyotch' manner. "Yes, Jill. I am perfectly capable of comprehending coherent sentences that come out of your puffer-fish like lips. Anybody who can't understand the dull and bare words you speak would have to lack a significant amount of grey matter in their hollow brains." I reply in a sickly-sweet manner, taking satisfaction in the blank look she gives me as she works to catch up to the snarky reply I just gave.

Just because I suck at Math, Science, and History doesn't mean I am neither intellectual or street smart. Book smart isn't the only form of intelligence on this planet.

During the inspirational rant that was going on in my head, Jill finally seemed to comprehend the hidden insult that I had implied between the lines of my long-winded response.

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