Prologue: The Priming of Earth-199999

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A Door opens, Two Grey-skinned humanoid creatures are seen moving toward a holographic screen.

"Earth-199999" Says one of the Ivory Kings.

"What about it?" The other mutters as he begrudgingly walks in behind him. The first turns toward him, smiling mockingly. "You know exactly what". He looks back at the screen and zooms in on the Earth of Dimension-199999. "This world hasn't been primed. And I'd very much like that rectified before the others find out.. Now". He exits the White Room, leaving the second standing there with his fist clenched.

No, he wouldn't attack him. He had a better plan. One that the others wouldn't be able to stop, nor could he if he wanted to.

Asgard appears on the screen. More specifically the current King of Asgard. Odin Borson. Now currently there is no Queen yet due to Odin not wanting a successor yet. But the Young King beds many women and unfortunately for him, One will soon bear him a child.

-----9 months later  -----

Odin of Asgard stands alone, holding a child born a mere 13 hours ago. The first Asgardian child to be born with the death of the mother during childbirth. His son. His firstborn.

"Are you sure about this, my lord?" a man with orange eyes appear behind him.

Odin looks over to see Heimdall standing by, "Of course. Asgard is not yet ready for a prince". Heimdall hesitates for a moment, normally unwaveringly loyal. "Where will you take him?" He asks. Odin looks at him with a look saying not to ask. Heimdall looks down at the child before Odin raises Gungnir and slams it to the ground.

The All Father and his child are no longer on Asgard. Midgard or Earth, New York City, 1934. In front of The Graham Home for Children. He looks down at his son and attempts to remove any power he has as a member of the Asgardian Royal Family. Unfortunately due the nature of the childs creation, he has no true power over him. So instead of removing the childs power, he merely locked it. The childs body doesn't like that.

Odin places his son on the steps and knocks thrice upon the door. Without a second thought he slams Gungnir into the ground and disappears.

Due to Gungnir hitting the ground, the child wakes startled and begins wailing.

The Door opens...

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now