Liberation of Allied Prisoners of War

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----- November 3rd, 1943 - Kreuzberg, Austria -----

(Y/N)'s POV

We were in a plane over Austria, Howard Stark was piloting us. I was sitting up in the cockpit with him while Peggy and Steve were in the back. Before we left the camp Peggy had grabbed two of the helmets the girls from the show had. An A for America in Captain America and an S for Superman. My name seems a bit pretentious though. I like to think the S could stand for Hope.

"The HYDRA camp is in Kreuzberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind," Peggy says as the two mountain ranges she mentions comes into sight. Why would a cult need a factory?

"We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep," Stark tells Steve and I.

"Just get us as close as you can," Steve replies and then eventually says, "You know, you two are gonna be in a lot of trouble at the lab."

"And you won't?," Peggy asks.

"Where we're goin', if anybody yells at us we can just shoot 'em," Steve tells her.

"They will undoubtedly shoot back"

"Well, let's hope this is good for somethin'," he knocks against his shield.

I look back at them, "And you seem to have a hard time comprehending the bulletproof skin."

"Agent Carter, if we're not in too much of a hurry I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late night fondue," Stark chimes in. I face back forward laughing lightly. Peggy just ignores him and talks to Steve.

I turn to Stark as he pilots. "You know, a lot of people may get the wrong idea about a man asking a woman to stop somewhere in the middle of the night for 'late night fondue'," I tell him, putting emphasis on that last part.

"It's just fondue, if people think otherwise that's on them," He says and glanced at me from the corner of his eye, "I've read your file. Why do people call you (Y/N)?"

"It's just what I prefer. Hell, it's better than my actual name."

"Tony Edward (L/N) is a good name. A strong name. Not as strong as Howard Anthony Stark, but then again, nothing is," he tells me while smirking.

"Wow you really don't know the meaning of humble," I say to him, "but 'What's in a name? that which we call a rose, By Any Other Name would smell as sweet'," I quote.

He nods, "Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. I can tell we're gonna get along just fine."

"If we were to get along it wouldn't be because of a quote. It'd most likely be because of our shared interest in the scientific advancement of the human race."

Shots fire through the skies and the plane shakes to avoid them, I look back to see Steve headed for the door. I get up and follow him as he opens the door. Peggy stands to tell us, "Get back here! We're taking you all the way in."

"As soon as we're free, you turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!," Steve yells to her over the gunfire.

"You can't give me orders!"

"The hell I can't! I'm a Captain!," he says before jumping out.

I mock solute at Peggy before quite literally walking out the plane after Steve who has a parachute.

Steve lands softly on the ground thanks to his parachute. While I landed in the coolest pose I could think of without one.

We ran through the woods and came across the HYDRA camp. We look to our left to see a few trucks driving along the road. As soon as it passed us, we ran and jumped into the last truck. I looked up to see two HYDRA soldiers. I nudged Steve as the soldiers stood.

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now