Attack on the HYDRA Research Base

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--- April 28th, 2015 - HYDRA Research Base, Sokovia ---

"Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."

Just outside, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff can be seen barreling though the snowy woods in a 'commandeered' HYDRA jeep.

Natasha was driving, Clint was firing with his bow.

At what you may ask?

From the countless HYDRA soldiers either driving around after them, Hovering through air with flight vests, or running after them from their front.

One of the Hover Soldiers comes up along Natasha, to which she just decks him in the face then kicks the car door into him causing him to go tumbling off to the side.

One lands on the back, Clint throws a right hook then slams his head down onto the side of the jeep. He then immediately goes back to firing arrows at other Soldiers.

Tony Stark, in full Iron Man armor, comes flying past them and takes off ahead.

Another Jeep pulls up just next to the pair.

The one soldier in the back goes to fire at them.

Suddenly, a rogue Thor comes, landing onto the enemy Jeep and ripping the Soldier out, tossing him to the side. He swings his hammer momentarily before leaping into the air.

He lands a few yards ahead on a guard tower, just as Natasha and Clint drive past below him.

Three Soldiers were up there with The God of Thunder.

He kicks one off the edge, then dodges the hit from another. Then swiftly turns to him and pushes him off with his friend.

He then throws his hammer into the chest of the last one, as Iron Man goes flying behind him firing at a group of Soldiers.

A Hover Soldier flies at Thor, he just grabs him from midair and slams him into the wood tower.

The tower breaks and Thor drops to the ground.

As he lands in the middle of a group of Soldiers, he lifts a staff sized piece of debris and whips it into a few of them.

Then a Motorcycle comes soaring through a few in the group.

Steve Rogers AKA Captain America was driving through, knocking a few of them over. But he grabs the leg of one and drags him across the ground.

Cap swerves past an explosion and tosses the Soldier into two others standing beside each other.

He then quickly grabs his shield off his back and chucks it at a few more. It bounces of a couple men then off a few trees before hitting one last guy, as Cap drives beside it grabbing it midbounce.

He continues riding, coming up on a tank.

Cap drifts to the left as Thor drops from above through the tank.

A huge chunk of the tank goes flying.

But comes to a stop as it's grabbed by everyone's favorite green rage boy, The Hulk.

Hulk launches the debris to the side into a few Hover Soldiers before lunging himself into a few on the ground. He picks them up by the collarbones and throws them over his shoulder with a roar.

Hulk then barrels into a few more Soldiers, knocking them all feet away.

Natasha and Clint speed past him.

Steve gained on them.

Natasha and Clint swerve as they come up on a barricade and they both leap out the Jeep.

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