Flight of the Valkyrie

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----- February 5, 1945 - Swiss Alps-----

Third POV

Steve blasts through the forest on his motorcycle. Trees whip by as he weaves through the woods as a squadron of HYDRA bikers race behind him.

Steve presses a button on his bike sending a rope between two trees. Most of the HYDRA bikers duck except for two, causing them to get flung off their bikes.

Flames shoot out from Steve's exhaust pipe, laying down several yards of fire behind him. The nearest HYDRA rider is helpless as his uniform and saddlebags catch fire. He falls over still burning. A second one catches fire and veers into the woods, crashing into a tree. 

One biker remains. 

He catches Steve on a straightaway. He pulls alongside, grinning. He reaches into a side compartment and pulls a hand grenade, Steve Snatches it from him and cracks the rider in the jaw. 

The rider's helmet drops, blinding him. As he wobbles on his bike, Steve bites down on the grenade pin and yanks it out. Then he tosses the grenade back in the rider's compartment. 

Steve throttles up and pulls away as the rider recovers. He lifts his helmet over his eyes, noticing the grenade burning beside him and... BOOM!

Steve keeps riding till he's in view of a compound, Alarms sound at the surface entrance. HYDRA soldiers race to take positions. 

A tank stationed at the entrance opens fire, missing each shot by a few feet. Steve presses another button on his bike and sends rockets at the tank, blowing it up. 

He ramps off a gun emplacement, and crashes into the compound. He continues to ride through soldiers shooting until he jumps off the bike and into a soldier. As more come at him, he throws his shield at one catching it in time to deflect a shot from another. 

He knees him in the head as he spins and slams his shield into another that comes up behind him. Steve runs at another, kicking the gun out his hand and throws him over an unmanned tank. 

Soon two big soldiers come and shoot flames from their guns. They trap Steve in a square allowing 30 or more soldiers surround him.


Two HYDRA soldiers drag Steve into a room.

"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait, but must say you do it better than anyone," he hears as Red Skull steps out from the dark, "but there are limits to what even you can do. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?"

"He told me you were insane," Steve says plainly.

"He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. Yet he gave you everything.. So what makes you so special?"

"Nothin. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."

In a rage, Red Skull punches Steve on the jaw and another to the stomach. Sending him on his knees. Steve just looks up at him, "I can do this all day."

"Oh of course you can, of course. But unfortunately I'm on a tight schedule."

Red Skull pulls out his Lugar also powered by the blue energy and aims it at Steve's head.

A loud thumping is heard out the windows. They all look out to see three specks in the distance flying straight at the glass. Red Skull spins back to Steve, pistol leveled and fires. Steve swings one of the soldiers around, blocking the blast. 

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now