Prologue: Must There Be A Superman?

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--- ??? - NYC ---

A TV screen can be seen flickering through channels.

It was raining out.

A thunderstorm over coming the city of New York. The constant changing of the channel seemingly not due to user input, but rather the storm roaring aloud. 

Or is it?..

The channel finally comes to a stop on a channel for longer than a few seconds.

It was old news archive footage.

Two Years ago.

Superman can be seen hovering down to the ground carrying a girl into a crowd of people. It was clearly old footage due to the clear sign of his suit still being in color.

A building just in the background was collapsing. But everyone was clear of the fall. The girl was the last one that was inside.

He had a smile on his face as he landed, gently placing the girl in front of what can be assumed to be her family.

Tens of people in the crowd (roughly 50 or more) said not a single word, but instead held out their hands towards him and gazed upon him as if in awe.

As if they were worshiping him.

The smile on his face slowly faded as he looked back at them..

"We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior. Ninety percent of people believe in a higher power, and nearly every religion believes in some sort of messianic figure--"

The screen cuts away from the archive footage to a man speaking rather adamantly. 

Vikram Gandhi, Documentary Filmmaker.

By the fervor with which he's speaking, one may assume he's talking negatively or angrily. But he seems simply very interested in the topic.

"--And when this savior character actually comes to Earth, we want to make him abide by our rules? We have to understand that this a paradigm shift. We have to start thinking beyond politics. Despite the incident with SHIELD just last year, we need to understand one simple thing. He may help us and enjoy doing so, but that does not mean he answers to us."

Another News Outlet flickers on.

Even more Archival Footage.

Four years ago.

Superman (no suit) held a plane up in the air for a moment before slowly dropping it down. This was in Denmark, moments after his first meeting with Heimdall.

He finally turns around to notice the thousands of people in the stands now aiming their cameras at him. 

He just forms a wide smile at all of them and glances back at the plane once more before launching himself up into the skies.

The screen cuts to another man speaking about Man of Steel.

Andrew Sullivan, Actor, Author. Pundit AKA Political Commentator and Former Editor of 'The New Republic'.

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora