Project Rebirth

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----- June 15, 1943 - Camp Lehigh, New Jersey -----

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm almost ten and I'm in the army, something that many grown men aren't even able to do. Steve and I were standing in line with a few others at an Army base in New Jersey. And the others were much taller and buffer than us.. So they were most likely idiots.

"Recruits, attention!" a woman says as she walks in front of us, "Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter. I supervise all operations for this division." A soldier toward the end of the line speaks up, "What's with the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the U.S. Army." This one is definitely an idiot. "What's your name, soldier?" Agent Carter asked the idiot. "Gilmore Hodge, Your Majesty," he said smugly. He shouldn't act so smug, his name is literally Gilmore.

"Step forward, Hodge." He smirks and steps forward.

"Mmm... We gonna wrassle? Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like," He winks and then Agent Carter socks him in the face. "Pow! Right in the kisser," I mutter a bit loudly. Agent Carter glances at me and Steve nudges me in the rib despite holding in laughter. 

While Steve and I were holding in laughter, a jeep pulls up. And out of the jeep steps out the man who I assume is the Colonel, "Agent Carter." She turn and salutes him, "Colonel Phillips." 

"I see you're breaking in the candidates. That's good," Colonel Philips walks over and stands just in front of the still fallen soldier Gilmore, "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand in that line at attention 'til somebody comes tells you what to do." Gilmore stands quickly, his nose bleeding from the punch, "Yes, sir."

Colonel Philips looks up to the rest of us, "General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons but they are won by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men..." He looks over finally seeing Steve and I, "And because they're gonna get better. Much better. The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history. At the end of this week we will choose two men. They will be the first in a new breed of super-soldiers. And they, will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of Hell."

After Colonel Philips' speech Sergeant Duffy ran us through many, many excruciating training exercises over the next few days. Like the Net Wall climb where Steve fell back and was trapped by his legs in the net. Or the barbed wire crawl when Gilmore kicked the barbed wire to nearly drop on me. The guy whos name is literally Gilmore picking on someone. Then there was the laps around the base. We come up at the halfway point where a flagpole was and we were told if someone could get the flag, they'd be able to get a ride back in the jeep instead of running back. The others kept trying to climb the pole till they were called back in formation. But me and Steve realized that we could just drop the pole to get the flag. Now Sergeant Duffy did only say one of us, but I think the fact that the flag was got in the first place distracted him.

A few days later we were doing pushups in the middle of the yard. Well I was doing pushups, Steve was kind of struggling. Agent Carter was pacing up in front of everyone, "Faster, ladies! Come on. My grandmother has more life in her, God rest her soul. Move it!" Colonel Philips and Dr. Erskine came up next to the truck the was to the left of Agent Carter. I'm guessing they assume I can't hear them. "You're not really thinking about picking them, are you?" the Colonel asks Dr. Erskine.

"I am more than just thinking about it. They are the clear choice," the doctor states.

"When you brought a 5'4 ninety-pound asthmatic and a 5'6 diabetic with arrhythmia onto my army base, I let it slide. I thought, what the hell? Maybe they'll be useful to you, like gerbils. I never thought you'd pick them." Agent Carter notices them standing over there and calls for us to get up and do jumping jacks. Not exactly something I excel at.

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now