Chapter Fourteen: 0

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"Then he said, 'Tyler's brother is looking for you.' What could he mean, who is this kid!" I shouted. Mark opened his computer and a program booted up.

"There's no Internet, just this simulated program. I was around Internet all day, but I was watched like a hawk. I'm telling you, I only was able to find two people with them breathing down my necks."

"I started some sort of earpiece weapon, well I just started it. It's a bomb, but works as a real earpiece until detonated. I barely began though, it was so annoying!" She groaned. I paced around the room. Something wasn't adding up here.

"Tyler thinks I know who his brother is, but I don't. In fact, apparently he wants to contact me. This isn't making any sense, what am I doing here! He needs you guys, I'm just a pain in the ass!" I shouted.

"How did you know that Oliver, or James was a snitch?" He asked me. I grinned sheepishly.

"I didn't. I saw the camera move though, a sure sign we were being watched. Throw in a quick trick question, and it was obvious." Maya popped her gum and frowned.

"You killed him didn't you." She sounded disappointed.

"Yeah, but one good thing came out of it. I'm on Tyler's good side, I'm finally getting into the game." Mark sighed.

"Don't get too far in Silver. Have you even given him a number yet?" I shook my head.

"Then he's not a target. You can't hesitate when you pull the trigger." What was he suggesting?

"Are you saying that I might actually start to care about that idiot!" I exclaimed.

"That idiot happens to be the head of one of the biggest corporations in the world! That idiot currently has you in his custody, and that idiot is standing behind me isn't he!" Mark shouted. Maya and I had froze, as the door had swung open. 

"I need you Mark, if you're not busy shouting your lungs out." Tyler said coolly and then smiled at me.

"How are you feeling Elise?" He asked. I forced out a smile for him. 

"Fine, thanks Ty." Him and Mark left the room. I searched for a bug, anything, and Maya did the same.

"I got rid of that camera a while ago. I don't think he heard us, but still, we have to be more careful." She suggested and I nodded.  She threw me something and I caught it. 

'It's a tracking chip, worn as a ring. Keep it on, and whatever you do don't take it off." I remembered the ring that Collin had given me, but I had lost it now. 

"I understand. Maya, can I ask you a question, a serious one?" She nodded. I took a deep breath. 

"Am I really a monster?" The words came out as a whisper. Maya looked sad, and took a while to answer. 

"Elise, you have taken many lives. You kill for a living, yes that is monstrous. But look at who else is in this business, look what you haven't become. Tyler is drunk on power, Collin is dead. Jared went on a rampage, and Hannah? Well I don't really know about her, but still. You're not supposed to be a killer, it's not you. That's Elise Silver, not you." Her words were true. 

"I deserve to die. I shouldn't be getting special treatment, I should be a lab rat like everyone else, I don't deserve to live anymore! Dead, that's what I should be. Kill me Maya, kill me right now! End my pathetic excuse of a life, once and for all. I don't want to live anymore." I begged her. She shook me by my shoulders.

"Listen to me Silver. Snap out of this weak state you're in, you are supposed to be the strongest of all of us. Assassins don't have feelings, don't care about one another. Be that deadly assasin you know you are, not some little schoolgirl crying because her best friend died." She snapped, and then went pale. I only had one best friend, and that was Jared. 

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