Prologue: 671

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Kill. /kIl/ Verb

 To deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of;

 I flipped through the dictionary, bored out of my mind.  That definition wasn’t half of it.  

 Kill-er [kil-er] Noun

A person or thing that kills.

 I smiled, that was more like it. Looking at the examples, I noticed the dictionary called a killer a hunter. What a clever way to express it, and I related to it perfectly. I was the predator, the killer, people feared me. 

671 had feared me. The good thing for her was now she didn’t fear anything.

I laughed, and stood up to leave the apartment when my phone rang.

"Is the job done Silver?" Donald barked at me over the phone. He was never a very patient man.

"Well hello to you too. Yeah, it's done, now it's time for you to pull through." I heard him sigh, then chuckle.

"Fine. Please remind me though Silver, why did I hire you?" Opening the door, I carefully wiped the doorknob clean.

"You know why. Because I'm the best at what I do." I laughed, and left the apartment, leaving the dead body of 671 behind.

Sitting DucksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz