Chapter Three: 749

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"You're not chicken are you? Just do it!" Emily shoved the phone at Jared. I rolled my eyes.

"So you guys kill people for a living, yet you're afraid to call the devil? That's weird." Tyler sat down next to us and glared at Emily.

"What's weird is that you're still here. Technically, you should be dead. But thing one and two here won't let me kill you." With that he gestured to Jared and I. Emily stood up and scowled.

"It seems obvious that I'm not welcome here. Hannah's baking something, I'll go help her. Who knew killers made cupcakes?" She left. I laid down in Jared's lap and closed my eyes.

"I hate that she's calls us killers. It's not like it's for the thrill, it's just our job." I heard the smoke alarm go off and people shouting.

"It used to be for the thrill, remember 749 Elise? Our first assignment together. Besides Tyler what should we be called, assassins?" I smiled, remembering 749. He was a wacko man, some evil scientist dude who was making a bomb to blow up New York.

"We should be called the Super Awesome Ninja Warriors." Jared and I laughed. Even though we had BrickStone after us, we could relax for a week or two, we were safe. Right now there were six people in the house total. Jared, Emily, Tyler, Hannah, and I, plus a boy named Collin who was Emily's age. Assasins were trained young, well most were. The smoke alarm went off again and I chuckled.

"I better go see if Hannah has murdered Emily yet. I put my money on the spatula though." Tyler called out me as I picked up my crutches.

"No way, it'll be the wooden spoon!" Jared immediately suggested something else, and they started to argue.

"So anyways there were like six guys right, and I was all alone. Next thing knew, the guys started tackling me. I beat them all of course." I heard Collin say as I hobbled down the hallway.

"You were so brave Colly!" I heard Emily exclaim. I rolled my eyes, Colly?

"Wow, Colly? There goes your manliness from when you were fighting that fake gang." I settled into a chair in the kitchen.

"What do you mean fake gang? That was real, all of it." He puffed out his chest.

"I looked you up kid. I have to say that Oliver isn't a good employer." He glared at me.

"Nice to know that my personal life is on Google." He sulked. Pulling out my phone, I opened an app.

"I've been doing this for a long time kid, and you need much more than a gun or knife. I have access to all of Oliver's workers and more. So don't go bragging, Dominic Cart. What a dumb name in the first place, why did you pick that?" He shrugged, looking annoyed.

"What's your problem Elise, why do you hate me!" He shouted, obviously annoyed.

"I don't hate you." I glared at him, wanting him to drop the subject.

"It's obvious Silver. If you have a problem, you tell me now." I shifted on to my crutches.

"I don't have a problem with you, drop it Greenlie." Emily was giving me weird looks.

"You do! Just admit it, god! You don't always have to be right!" I spun around.

"DROP IT BRADLEY!" I screamed, then gasped. They both looked confused. I walked away, going back to the boys.

"Who's Bradley?" I heard Emily whisper. When I got back to the spare room, Jared was already there. I hobbled over to him and collapsed into his arms, crying.

"It'a okay Elise, it's okay." I sobbed into his sweater, dropping my crutches. He picked me up and I snuggled into him.

"Thanks Jared. It's just, he just, they both..." I trailed off.

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