Chapter Fifteen: 368

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"Is it an animal?" I asked Bradley. He shook his head. I pretended to think, then put on a pouty face. I added puppy eyes and waited. The second Bradley saw me he shook his head.

"Aww, don't do that Eiise. You know I can't resist! Oh fine, it's a necklace." That must be some new record. Propping myself up on the bed, I grinned at him.

"Brad, what do you think of meeting my brother? I'm thinking of going to back to Queens, visit the family. I want you to meet them, and you've never been to New York. Where are you from anyways?" I asked, popping my gum. I can't believe I didn't know.

"A small town near Seattle, why? Do you want to visit my family, tough luck, I don't have any." He spat bitterly.

"Nope, I don't believe you. You must have a sibling, or a close cousin or something." I persisted.

"I have a brother, but I haven't talked to him in ages. I don't even know what he sounds like anymore, and he doesn't even count. We're not close like you and Mike are." I scoffed, close?

"I haven't seen Mike since I started killing, Brad. That was almost six years ago, I was twenty the last time I saw him." It was a bit sad, actually.

"You shouldn't go Elise. I have a bad feeling about this, you know with BrickStone and everything. Also, what about those people after me?" He looked so worried.

"Hey shrimp, don't worry so much. You're getting wrinkles, and you're barely seventeen." He sat down next to me.

"Elise, please, don't go. I just don't have a good feeling about this." He pleaded with me.

"Fine, I won't go. If it bothers you that much, I'll just stay here." Bradley looked relieved. What was that about?

"You know, I think it's weird that we've been together for so long, yet we barely know anything about each other." He scrunched up his nose.

"You make it sound like we're dating, or married." I started to laugh, his expression was hilarious.

"Gross Brad, it's not even legal. It's basically pedophilia, I'm almost ten years older than you!" Giggling, I walked over to the minibar.

"Do you want something? A coke?" He nodded and I threw it to him.

"Could you imagine if you were sent to prison because of that. She killed dozens of people, let her go, but wait! She is a pedophile! Life in prison!" He laughed, and took a sip of his drink.

"Come on Bradley, give this little pedo a kiss, won't you?" I ran towards him, and pretended to kiss him. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called, changing my voice quickly. I didn't have time to answer as the door smashed in. I quickly grabbed my gun.


"I'm not crazy, unless you think I'm crazy. If you believe I'm crazy, that probably means you're crazy, you know?" The lady that I knew now as Connie smiled at me.

"Maybe, Miss Houston, I am crazy. Maybe I should be the one in your seat, while you ask me questions. Do you know why Mr. Patel insisted I come in immediately? In fact, he insisted on it, which is very rare. Normally I get at least a week's notice." I shrugged. Connie was a shrink I guess, I had only met her around five minutes ago.

"Why Miss.." I trailed off. Leaning back in the chair, I crossed my legs and straightened my back.

"Call me Connie, Elise. He was so worried about you, and tried to help you on his own. A very foolish choice if I may say so myself, solitary confinement is never the first option. Now I'm giving you the choice to walk out of here, right now. If you don't leave in the next five minutes, the door will lock until the hour is up. Understand?" I nodded. Eyeing the door, I started to stand up. I didn't need this.

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