Chapter One: 214

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Dedicated to JaneSilver16 for making me my cover, thanks.


If you gathered twenty people in a room, and said that only one person would be allowed out, what do you think would happen? Who would come out alive?

I'm putting my money on the geeky kid in the corner, who would probably go nuts and kill everyone immediately. A bit of a morbid thought, but it's true. I'll tell you why: because that kid was me. No, I wasn't forced into a room with people, but I know how individuals think.

Let me ask you another question: how far would you go to save yourself? What would you sacrifice to escape death, even though it's still going to happen?

Would you betray someone, even kill them. Or would you be a Good Samaritan, sacrificing yourself.


Don't kid yourself. Someone gives you a gun and says shoot them or you die, I bet you anything that gun won't be pointing at you. 

Laughing to myself, I sat on the bench in the park, waiting for my target, Donovan Wright, or 214. I learned to never call my targets by their names. That got you attacthed, and you might not have the balls to pull the trigger. You only make that mistake once. I learned that the hard way, with 641.

214, one of the biggest drug dealers in the country sat down next to me.

"Cassie Moreno?" He asked quietly, saying I nodded, looking him over. He definitely deserved what would be coming to him.

The lustful looks he was giving me made my stomach turn. It was disgusting; he was at least double my age. He smiled at me, his eyes lingering on my chest a little too long.

"You see Miss Moreno, you intrigue me. You're at your prime, and I'm sure you'd make a great dealer. However, I don't require one at the moment. But I need someone to supervise the transactions, make sure everything is fair." I nodded enthusiastically, faking it of course. Five minutes later the deal was done, and it was time for me to make my move.

"Is there anyway I could...repay you? You've been so generous." I placed my hand on his leg and he nodded eagerly. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him into the alley. Kissing him, I managed to get him onto his knees. Standing up, I pulled out my gun.

"No." He breathed. Not being one for dramatics, I just smiled and shot him. The gun was silent, and thankfully he didn't make a sound as he toppled over. I pulled out my cell phone.

"It's done. Send the cleanup crew and I'll meet you at your office tomorrow at eleven to get my payment." I immediately hung up. I hated Michael Dodd with a passion; he was a slimy little rat. He had no trouble with ruining people's lives. Michael got most of my jobs for me though. My phone rang again and I sighed looking at the number.

"What do you want Thompson?" I asked, walking away. This girl annoyed me, always wanting me to join her little group.

"I want you to join us Silver. You can't run forever, not without resources. With us you would be safer and life would be easier. " Her offer sounded tempting, but I couldn't.

"I told you I don't want a group Hannah. I like to work on my own." I was about to hang up when she spoke again.

"We're next Silver." I shuddered. What did she mean by we? I almost dropped the phone as I came to the only conclusion.

"They're going after assassins now?" I asked, dreading the answer. I heard her sigh and could almost see her nod. Hannah hung up quickly, but then a message went to my phone.

Don't accept the money from Dodd tomorrow, it's a trap. -H.

What Hannah was talking about was a corporation called BrickStone. Years ago, it was a hotspot for criminals. If you needed work you would go there for a quick job and make some cash. Now, though, it had changed. It had been taken over by a person who was only known as L. Criminals were captured and used as lab rats for things, and also were forced to do manual labor. 

I arrived in my house and quickly locked the door. This was bad, extremely bad. Michael was just a disappointment, considering he was why I made most of my cash. I hated him, but he still got most of my jobs for me. I had a feeling I wouldn't have another job for a while.

"Jane? Jane Smith let me in!" A voice shouted. Only one person still insisted on calling me that, Jared. I quickly opened the door and pushed him in. No one though my real name though, not even him.

"Did you hear the news? They came to my apartment, three of them. I killed them, but get this: They each have a burn on their wrists, with a B on it, surrounded by a circle. That's how we're going to identify them." I ran into my bedroom and started to pack. It was time to leave.

"I bet you that they wear long sleeves. Any other way, Jared, think!" I shouted, packing my electronics.

"Elise I don't know. Wait! Yeah, each has a tattoo on their hands. The left, I think, I didn't check. I just killed them and got out of there." I sighed, this would be difficult.

"I've gotten I.D's for us though, so we can get out of here. I was thinking you and I could go to London maybe, or Australia." Jared was also a con artist, and extremly useful.

"Wherever we go, BrickStone will follow us. Why do they need us? Don't they have enough people?" Jared rolled his eyes.  

What made BrickStone such a brilliant idea, was that it had the government on it's side. Everyone saw it as perfect justice for criminals, and that it was all peaceful. Most people turned a blind eye to the fact that the criminals were humans too. It was funded by the government, and it's workers were all around the world. 

"Michael's gone over, and that slimy rat was going to trap me tomorrow. Plus, I'm not getting paid for 214!' I shouted and went into my bedroom. In the dresser, there was a drawer of weapons, mostly guns. Handing two to Jared, I began to arm myself.

"We are not fighting them Elise, we'll lose." I shook my head and strapped a knife to my leg.

"We'll send them a message, BrickStone. Tell them we're not going down without a fight." Jared lightly grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was facing him.

Jared had always been attractive, at least to me. He had light brown hair, and pale blue eyes that were filled with concern. He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

"Elise, listen to me. We can't win this, it's impossible. Now is our only chance to get away before we're caught. My decision is final." I scoffed, and looked out my window. 

"Yours may be,  but mine isn't. Where the hell are they, they should have been here already!"  A knock on the door stopped my rant.

"Sarah? Sarah it's me Emily! I got your mail again, are you there?" I swore, why now? Emily was my neighbour, a friendly girl of twenty. Running down the stairs, I almost opened the door when I heard Emily scream.

"I really didn't plan on a rescue mission Elise." Jared snapped at me, but he still looked worried. I pulled out my gun.

"Neither did I, but this day has been anything but normal." Checking the safety was off, I loaded it quickly.

"Since when did we become the good guys Lise?" He asked, and I paused.

"I don't know Jare, but for once let's do something good." I suggested. Jared looked pissed.

"Today is not a good day." Jared muttered as I turned the doorknob on the door. Seeing the scene in front of me, I had to agree.

Today was definitely not a good day.

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