Chapter two

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Cassiopeia was spending more and more time alone, Narcissa tried her hardest but being engaged to a high profile heir kept her busy most days and her little sister was feeling the lack of her presence. That was why Cassie was occupying herself trying to convince the house elves to let her help them.

"Couldn't I at least cut the potatoes?" Cassie tried to compromise cutting out any use of fire.

"Young miss Viki is sorry but you know your not allowed, master Black will shout at you again" the head elf squeaked in her high voice.

"He'll never know please, what if I order you to let me" she had on her best puppy dog eyes.

"Then Viki would have no choice miss" she sighed.

"Then I demand that you let me cut up some potatoes" Cassie spoke with a smile on her face.

With the shake of her head Viki handed over the knife and went back to her stew that she'd started, Cassie followed and started chopping potatoes the muggle way. She lasted about three potatoes before getting bored and setting down the knife, she'd need to learn how to cook with magic anyway so she thought she'd give it a go.

Only it didn't go to plan as most of her magic does, the walls floor and ceiling of the kitchen were covered in potatoes in different stages of cooking. Some just raw potato that knocked over a good few pots and pans, then there was the soft almost mash potato that was sticking to everything it touched, some of them were cooked perfectly but after flying around the room they had split open and then the ones that were rock hard and black because they had been charred so bad.

Just when Cassie thought it couldn't get any worse and that maybe setting various potatoes into angry balls of fire would be her only problem she heard a great Yelp from the kitchen door. Cygnus had just been hit on the head by a falling pile of mash.

"CASSIOPEIA VEGA BLACK!! How many times do you go against my wishes" Cygnus screamed frightening all the house elves.

"I'm sorry father I thought I could do it" Cassie replied quietly.

"What- what on earth were you trying to accomplish you stupid girl!" He bellowed as he picked up a lump of coal looking potato.

"I thought I'd help cook them faster" she said not looking up from the ground.

"I'm guessing with magic! This is your last chance, if I catch you trying to perform any sort of magic again I'll disinherit you!" His eyes burning holes into the top of his youngest daughters head.

Cassie let out a grunt and tried to leave, as she moved Cygnus' fury rised up in his throat. He threw the burned potato across the room smashing a window and grabbed a hold of her wrist so hard she thought it would snap.

"Do. Not. Walk away when I'm talking to you" he said so close she could feel the anger in his voice.

"I won't do it again" she tried to keep herself composed holding back a Yelp of pain.

"I know you won't, this ought to teach you!" He released his grip and shoved her backwards.

Without warning a spark of red shot out of his wand aimed directly at her, "crucio" he spoke clearly.

Before she knew what was even going on Cassie doubled over falling to the floor, a jolt of unbearable pain flooded her limbs and shot up her spine making her twitch and spasm as she let out choked sobs. She could taste the metallic tang of blood on her tongue and let out another scream.

"Master Black, the young miss has had enough" Viki tugged at Cygnus' robes as Cassie tried to keep herself conscious but was failing.

Cygnus whipped his free hand out and struck the little elf with the back of his hand before taking a deep breath and heading towards the door.

Scars Of Cruelty // noble house of blackWhere stories live. Discover now