Chaper nine

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By the time Cassiopeia had been given the all clear to go to Malfoy manor with Narcissa she was all up to date with the last ten years of the life she'd missed. The dark Lord was gone, dead they said. Destroyed by a baby no less, the mighty boy who lived. Cassie knew deep down that it wasn't right, she could feel it deep down he wasn't truly gone she knew it.

Bellatrix had been sent to askaban, she'd been arrested for torturing a couple to insanity apparently they were two young aurors. Then there was Narcissa, she had the perfect son. He was like a doll in a glass case that she could show off to anyone and everyone, but her husband on the other hand was cold and clearly cared move for his image than his wife and son.

Cassie didn't mind the manor, as long as she didn't have to leave her room. She preferred to watch from her window, she could see the grounds that stretched around the house and it was all's she needed. Draco would have his friends over and she would watch from the same seat, she wanted to join in but it just didn't feel right.

"You don't have to do that you know" Narcissa's voice cut in to her thoughts.

"Do what?" She replied as she turned from her view of Draco and his friends to look at her sister.

"Pine. All's you have to do is go out there" she took a seat on Cassie's bed.

"I'm happy to just watch" she turned her gaze again.

"Cass you need to remember your still a child, socialising is a good thing"

"Mhm" Cassie hummed dreamily. Not feeling like she was actually apart of the world.

"Could you please just make an effort, this is hard on me too" Narcissa said as she stood up and left the room.

The most hospitable person at Malfoy manor was the families little house elf dobby, he was any thing but the usual sort of elf. Usually they were quite angry little creatures with short tempers but dobby was happy and excited when it came to his new miss. He happily obliged to bringing her snacks and tea throughout the day.

Today however instead of the usual pop of apperation at dinner time there was a knock at her door. To her surprise it was Lucius and not Narcissa as she expected.

"We have guests for dinner, I'd appreciate it if you would join us at the table" he said as he looked down at her.

"Why do you want me there I'd be better off in my room" she growled.

"Cassie your apart of this family weather you like it or not, so I'd like us to have a united front. It's only a few of my colleagues, you will be fine" he nodded.

"Fine" she shut the door and let out a short grunt.


Not wanting to have any sort of contact in the first place Cassie laid in her dress over her bed covers reluctantly kicking her feet into the air waiting for someone to come and get her.

"Hi, dad sent me up for you. Are you ready" dracos whiney voice came from behind her.

"Yes" she snapped standing up to meet him.

Draco was almost the exact same height as cassie and when they were standing together there eyes were at a perfect eyeline which made cassie feel inferior. She huffed and turned back to her dresser.

"What are you doing now" Draco asked.

"Changing my shoes" she sighed and swapped her comfortable ones for the ones with a little bit of a heel. "That's much better"

"How do you manage to get out of these stupid dinners every other night, I get forced into them every night" Draco said as they walked from her room.

Scars Of Cruelty // noble house of blackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora