Chapter four

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After the incident she had had with the fire Cygnus came down hard on her she was only allowed to leave her room when she was going for her lessons with the dark lord at Bellatrix's, the only reason he let her do that was because he was terrified of Voldemort and wanted to please him. Bella was resenting her too treating her coldly and she looked slightly deranged as she pushed herself to the limits trying to please him, even her own husband was wary of her actions.

But even though her own sister was treating her like that it was okay because the dark lord would help her through it. He was helping fill a hole that was growing in Cassiopeia's chest and in return he was growing to care for her and surprisingly he was letting down his walls around her, he was softening with her. It terrified him.

When Narcissa and Lucius were married Cassie had agreed to be the flower girl just to appease her father in hopes that he'd go easy on her, she had barely spoken to her sister since she had moved into the manor. It was killing Cassie to play happy families when all's she wanted to do was set fire to it all. The one thing that kept her from losing it was the fact that she was learning, learning how to do more and more importantly learning how to control it. It was all thanks to Lord Voldemort.

The days were coming and going and every time she felt that anger rise up inside her she would push it down. Voldemort told her to use fire as an outlet and get it all out but she couldn't do that when she was at home or Cygnus would be waiting with some new and cruel way to punish her.

Though she didn't mention the things her father put her through in much detail to the dark lord because she feared it would result in him being killed and although she despised him he was still her father, biologically anyway. So he got a sugar coated version of it, sometimes she thought that he could tell she was lying about it but he respected her privacy and let it be.

Before she knew it the weeks had come and gone, it was her birthday and she was to endure another family meal. She wanted more than anything for voldemort to attend but he explained that he couldn't and Cassie understood, he sent her a gift instead. It was a locket, silver and bronze with a snake on it and runes carved around it. Once she had a suitable dress on and barely managed her hair she made her way to the dining room.

She noticed that she'd started to take notes in her head, just like Voldemort did when he entered a room of people. she looked around the table and marked them down, her father at the head of the table with a blank stare and cruel smile, her eldest sister who looked like she had gone mentally wit her wide eyes flicking from person to person, her husband Rudolphus who looked like he would rather be anywhere but here. Then there was Lucius Malfoy who looked proud and had his hand placed over Narcissa's like he was protecting his property, finally Narcissa, her favourite sister who used to mean everything to her. Cassie laughed to herself looking at her, she looked like a life sized doll with a fake smile plastered on her face and her free hand resting on her perfectly round baby bump.

"Happy birthday sister" Narcissa spoke quietly as they sat in the living room after dinner.

"Thanks" Cassie replied in a bored tone.

"How long are you going to be mad at me" she huffed.

"To be determined, now if you'll excuse me I have things to do" Cassie pushed passed her and went to leave but was stopped by Cygnus.

"Just where do you think your going" he bellowed catching the attention of the others in the room.

"Well father id rather not waste time with formalities I know I'm going to be locked straight back in my room again when my sisters have left so I thought i'd just skip ahead." She gave him a deceitful smile.

"Why you little-" he backhanded her across the face making her fall to the floor unsteadily.

"Father, stop it please it's her birthday" Narcissa pleaded with Cygnus.

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