Chapter three

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The weeks that followed were quite strange, Bellatrix requested that Cassie should come over almost everyday, which Cygnus agreed too because he didn't want to see his youngest daughter at all. Whilst she was at the Lestrange estate, the majority of the time she would be left with Lord Voldemort who seemed keen on studying her. He tried to get into her mind, failing every time. She was getting quite annoyed in all honesty, all's she wanted to do was go outside and explore but every time she tried to sneak away he would be waiting, it was like Voldemort could tell what she was going to do before she did it.

"You realise your the only person who gets this privilege" Voldemort spoke craning his neck downwards to face the girl.

"You realise this is against my human rights, I can't be cooped up in that room for another day" she said crossing her arms.

"What did you have in mind?" He questioned.

Cassie was taken back and struggled to come up with something that made her sound less like a 9 year old. But her brain was clearly no help.

"I just want to be in the garden I like the plants" she said defeated.

"Well then, lets go" he said as he moved aside so Cassie could lead the way.

At first Cassiopeia's mind was racing due to her confusion but once they got outside she let it melt away as she walked through the garden.

"I hear that you can already perform magic is that correct?" Voldemort was following behind her.

"I try too but my father hurts me if i do it wrong so it's mainly small stuff" she shrugged as she picked a flower of a nearby bush.

"Why does he hurt you" he had a fierce sound in his voice.

"Because I overdo it a lot, I don't have that much control and he doesn't want me to get in trouble" Cassie place the flower on a patch of grass and muttered something making the flower bloom.

"I could help teach you control, if you'd let me" he crouched and inspected the small show of magic she had performed with the flower.

"That's what hogwarts is for isn't it"

"My child I assure you I could teach you things that that terrible excuse for a school wouldn't even be capable off" he smirked.

"I don't know why you'd want too" she sighed.

"As I have said before I see something in you, a powerful thing. I'd like to help you accelerate that"

"It couldn't hurt I suppose, just don't let my father find out because I'm sure he'd do more than crucio me" she tried to laugh.

After a few more moments walking the pair stopped at a fountain and Cassiopeia was starting to get bored, just like she was used to doing at home she closed her eyes and saw what she wanted to happen and when she opened them there were balls of water jumping out.

"You really are spectacular... what else can you do?"

"Oh well it's just what I've seen other people do mainly"

Cassie turned towards the hedge that was at the bottom of the garden and smirked, this was a chance to show off. She whispered an incantation and waved her hand, within seconds the hedge started to move almost like it was alive. It took around two minutes for it to fully come together but then she stood back and looked at what she had done, the hedge now spelt out 'Cassiopeia'

"Wow it's actually a lot better than-" Cassie started to speak but was interrupted by the tops of each letter catching on fire. "This is what I mean by I have no control, a lot of stuff ends up in flames" she shrugged.

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