Chapter twenty one

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Theo kept his promise to Cassiopeia and didn't tell any of their friends about the breakdown she'd had which she was thankful for. When it had gotten to Halloween Cassie was starting to feel slightly better, whether it was just that she had grown used to feeling that way or it was Theo's relentless company. It was helping.

On the night of Halloween she had ran into professor quirell on the way too the great hall and every time she was near that particular teacher she'd found that the strange stabbing pain in her chest worsened, the only other time she felt the pain was when she ended up near the one and only Harry Potter. Both Harry and Cassie struggled to be around eachother without one of them snapping and defence against the dark arts was like being put through torture.

Cassie had spent an hour before dinner consoling Hermione who she had found crying her eyes out because apparently Ron Weasley had said something awful about her, hermione was usually not too sensitive when it came to the opinions of others but Ron had a sly way with words that he'd probably picked up from his multiple older brothers. Hermione told her that she was going to freshen up in the girls loo's before dinner so Cassie went to join her friends. Before she went and sat at the slytherin table she told Neville what had happened with Hermione and gave both Ron and Harry a vile look.

"Do you finally agree with me that those two are imbecile's then" Draco said as she took her seat next to him.

"I was giving them the benefit of the doubt but after the state I've just seen Hermione in" she shook her head, "I agree with you"

"Why do you insist on being nice to her she's a-"Draco started.

"Draco you dare finish that sentence and I'll curse you from here to Italy" she pointed her wand at him threateningly.

Cassie stood aggravated by her nephew and sat next to Theo.

"Don't be so hard on him, you have met his father haven't you?" Theo looked sympathetically to Draco who was sulking and refusing to eat his food.

"Yes unfortunately I have met him, just because Lucius is the biggest arse on the planet doesn't mean Draco has to be. It's cruel and I won't stand for him being a bully, or any of you being bully's for that matter" she rolled her eyes.

"How are you so good" he asked rhetorically as he carried on eating.

The Halloween feast was cut short when professor quirell ran in screaming about a troll being loose in the dungeons. The entire hall went into panic mode and Cassie just continued eating, Dumbledore told everyone to return to there common rooms while he and the other professors went to capture the troll.

By the time everyone was in their common rooms it was considerably calmer and Cassie and pansy were joined in their dorm by Theo and Blaise, Draco was still sulking so he had gone to bed.

"I'm just saying, they really shouldn't have trolls anywhere near a school full of children" cassie said as she painted Pansy's nails.

"You have a point, isn't there supposed to be protective enchantments around the school" Blaise watched as the colours on Pansy's nails changed to match her purple jumper.

"Blaise your distracting me" cassie frowned.

"Can you do mine next" he asked inquisitively inspecting the hand cassie had finished painting.

"Mhm, now please move away from my shoulder" she nudged him.

When Cassie was done with Pansy's nails she turned to Blaise who looked like a kid on Christmas morning when she started on his nails.

"Why do girls get to have all the fun things and us boys get quidditch gear and outdoor equipment" Blaise shook his head.

"Hey I love quidditch gear and I'm a girl" cassie scrunched her nose up.

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