Chapter ten

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From the night of the dinner party Cassiopeia started to spend time with Draco and she found that he wasn't all that insufferable.

"All's I'm saying is if you hit that tree I'll clean all the broom stuff by hand" Draco said holding a quaffle.

"Promise?" Cassie raised her brows.

Draco held out his little finger and Cassie wrapped her own around his.

"Okay throw it" Cassie held the bat firmly.

Draco took a step back and threw the quaffle into the air, Cassie was honestly shocked at how easy it was she positioned herself and then swung her bat it hit the ball straight away and the ball shot out straight at the tree. It hit the trunk of the tree so hard that it dinted and birds flew out of the branches.

"How- wait, how in merlins name have you just done that" Draco's jaw was lowered.

"Finally found something I'm good at I suppose" Cassie shrugged.

"You should make the quidditch team second year at hogwarts if you carry on like that" he ran a hand over his face.

The two of them put everything back in the broom shed and Cassie sat by patiently laughing whilst Draco cleaned up by hand. Then they made their way back for dinner which Cassie had actually started to join the family for which made Narcissa happy and Lucius seemed slightly infuriated although he always looked like that.

Over a week later Cassie lay on her bed with her eyes fixed on the ceiling, she was hurting again. All's she could think about was Voldemort, she needed to find him so she could take off the stupid cuff the ministry had saddled her with but every time she asked questions about him she was shushed and told the same thing

"The dark lord is dead"

She knew better, he was out there and he was waiting she could feel it.

Her incessant trance of thought was interrupted as she felt the bed shift in weight.

"You okay?" Draco said putting his head in her line of vision.

"Fine" she nodded.

"Well I was thinking today maybe we could invite Pansy and Theo over"

"They're your friends, do what you like" Cassie sat up meeting his eyes.

"Now they're your friends too, so get used to it come on let's go and eat" he jumped off the bed.

She grinned and followed him out of her room, whilst they ate he wrote out notes and gave them to an owl to be taken too Pansy and Theo and little over an hour later the owl returned with two notes that agreed so Draco and Cassie sat in the living room by the fireplace waiting.

"Will you sit still Draco they'll be her soon" Cassie groaned as she watched her nephew  flitter about the room.

"I can't help it, nervous excitement"

"You'd think we were planning to break into gringotts" Cassie rolled her eyes.

"We're breaking into gringotts, someone could have told me I would have brought my ski mask" Theo joked as he came through the fireplace.

"So what are we doing today then" called Pansy who strolled in after Theo.

All three of them looked at Cassie with quizzing looks on their faces.

"I don't know why your all looking at me, my idea of fun before I took a 10 year nap was combat training" she shrugged.

"Well then that's what we'll do" Draco nodded to the group.

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