T H I R T Y - F I V E

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"So let me get this straight" I start, talking to John, "if Angelina Jolie asked to peg you, you'd agree?" I ask holding back a laugh.

"You wouldn't?" He replies to my question with one of his own while he nonchalantly takes a sip of his drink. After he asked the first time we let go of the topic and continued with whatever we were doing, but after about 20 minutes Anthony brought it back up and now we're here.

"I'd only make an exception for either Scarlett Johansson or Sophia Bush." I reply leaning back in my chair. (A/N: Fun fact, my brother once told me this, but I also can't really blame him.) Jaren chokes on his drink for a second before putting a napkin to his mouth and turning to me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you serious?" He asks me.

"Have you seen those two women?" I question him back much like John did to me. He puts both his hands up in defense before going back to take a sip of his drink. John and I continued talking, after like 5 minutes we got off the pegging topic and got onto fashion, to which then Anthony and Jaren joined in. Once we were about 2/3 of the way done with our food our waitress came back.

"Would you guys like anything from the bar?" She asks holding her notepad out. We all look at each other before all of us simultaneously turn to Tyler.

"Could you come back in like two seconds?" He asks Julia and she simply nods before retreating a little ways away.

"So yes?" Kelly asks hopefully.

"But we have drinks at the house?" Scotty replies pointing out what most of us were thinking.

"But we don't have the fancy schmancy drinks at the house." Chrissy tells him leaning on his arm with puppy dog eyes. Kelly does the same to Tyler.

"Girls come on." Tyler says before he turns to me. I have known Chrissy and Kelly for only about a week and I have known the boys for a few years, so I know exactly who I have to side with. I get up out of my chair and go to Tyler's other shoulder and lean on him with puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeeeeeeease." I say with a pout. He groans and the table and I start giggling.

"Fine. But only like two for whoever wants drinks here, drivers can drink when we get back to the house." He says. Me and the girls cheer before high-fiving each other, me and Kelly leaning across the table to high five Chrissy. I make my way back to my seat before Tyler calls over our waitress. She comes over and gets mine, the girls, and John's drink orders. After giving her his order, John gave her a playful wink and said a dumb joke that made her giggle before she took the bar menu from him. His eyes following her as she retreats back to the bar. Jaren and I see and turn to each other, both of us having big smiles on our faces. After a few minutes Julia comes back with our drinks, handing them all out to us and all of us saying thank you. Tyler grumbles about how we're wasting his money and I stick my tongue out to him and take a sip of my drink. John looks over my shoulder then to Jaren, I assume they're having a conversation with their eyes so I leave it at that, later feeling Jaren's arm rest on the back of my chair. After a few minutes we're about halfway through our drinks and about done with our food at this point and the table is all talking together when Julia comes back with a drink, sets it down in front of me, and walks away. I'm mid-sip when she does this so I can't call her back right away.

"I should go take this back." I say to the table.

"Girl, that's a free drink, keep it." Chrissy replies before laughing.

"But I didn't even order it." I say before standing up, the drink that was just dropped off at our table in my hand. I go to the bar, which was behind us, to see about 5 people over there. 2 women and 3 guys. The bartender is standing between two of the guys on the other side of the counter so I walk over to him, having to stand in between the two guys to lean against the bar.

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