T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"Get up. Come on." I hear the girl's yell as they hit me with pillows. I open one eye and look at them.

"Why?" I ask as I turn over back into my pillow that I was cuddling into.

"Girls day!" They yell at the same time. I'm not much of a morning person, and if it were anyone else I'd be extremely pissed they're screaming when I've just woken up, but the way they beamed at me made me smile. I groan and sit up. Kelly oo's at me as I sit up, wiping my eye with the sleeve of the sweatshirt I'm wearing.

"What?" I ask.

"You're still wearing Jaren's sweater." Kelly tells me. I smile and blush thinking about Jaren, and our kiss last night.

"Oo what happened? I can tell by your face something happened." Chrissy asks. I only smile more.

"I'll tell you when we're not in a house full of boys." I tell them and their eyes widen.

"Something happened!" Kelly yells and she high fives Chrissy.

"Ok, now get out, I gotta change." I tell them and they get up to leave. Before doing anything I check my phone to see it's 10:00, while wondering how they are this energetic when we all went to sleep pretty late. I go to my bag and grab a tee-shirt and jeans then change. Once I finished i started brushing my hair and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say, brush in hand. Jaren opens the door blushing when he sees me.

"Hey." He simply says. I turn to him with a smile.


"So um, about last night." Jaren sits down on the edge of the bed and scratches the back of his neck and my face falls in worry that he regrets what happened.

"What about it?" I ask and I guess he can tell by my tone and my face what I was thinking.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I loved it. I've been waiting to do that for awhile, that made me sound creepy, ugh. Point is, I just wanted to ask what that means for us?" He asks. I set the brush down on the night stand and sit next to him.

"Well, how do you want this to go?" I ask, looking at him through my hair.

"I was thinking," he moves my hair to the side and cups my cheek, "of asking you out, but since we're only here for the rest of this week and then we're gonna be far apart for awhile it won't really work." He moves his hand back down to his lap.

"Well, how about we wait?"

"How long?"

"Until we're together in Canada. Then we can go do couple things, alongside John if he wants to come." I giggle at the last part and he chuckles.

"So, Canada?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"So, right now, we're just friends?"

"Friends who really like each other."

"Friends who occasionally hold hands when they walk around with each other?"

"Friends who cuddle?"

"Friends who kiss from time to time?" I smile at what he says and we both laugh.

"Ok, well I gotta go with the girls, you know. Girls day." I finish my sentence with jazz hands and he smiles at me.

"Yeah, I'll leave you to it." He patted my thigh as a see you later and got up, closing the door as he walked out. I grabbed my phone and my mini backpack I brought with me, did a few last minute things, and started walking out. As I got downstairs I saw all the boys sitting down for breakfast and the girls leaning on the table ready to go. As I got to the last step and turned to the kitchen everyone turned towards me and I heard multiple morning's.

"Good morning." I went to the fridge to see what we had to eat but was stopped by Chrissy.

"Nope, girls day out, meaning we eat out. There's this nice diner not to far from here that we're going to." She tells me.

"So I can't even get a snack?" I ask.

"Nope, now lets go." Kelly says swinging her keys around. I roll my eyes and laugh at the girls antics.

"Bye." We say and start walking when we hear a 'woah woah woah' all three of us turn around to see Tyler getting up and walking towards us.

"Bye." He says to Kelly then kisses her. All of us groan and fake gag.

"Dad stop being gross." We hear John say from the table and we all start laughing. After that the boys got up to say bye. We gave hugs to everybody and John gave me a kiss on the head telling me to remember he's still my number 1. I laughed as he let go and chuckled. Jaren gave me a kiss on the head too but it went unnoticed by everyone cause they were busy talking about something else.

"Be safe, ok." He tells me and I nod. After saying good bye to everyone and promising them we'll pick them up a toy from somewhere we all got into Kelly's car to head out. Kelly and Chrissy sat in the front while I sat in the middle seat in the back. We all buckled up then Kelly started to pull out of the driveway.

"Alright, girl's day has officially begun." Chrissy says as she puts her sunglasses on.

"That was unnecessarily cool dude." I tell her and she laughs.

"Now tell us what happened. I was talking to Smii7y to see if he'd let it slip out but he didn't say anything." Chrissy turns around as she directs her sentence to me.

"Please don't tell me you hooked up in the guest room. I literally just washed the sheets before everyone got here." Kelly complains as she's driving and we start laughing as I blush.

"No, none of that. We just kissed." I tell them as I look down. The girls gasp as Kelly stops at a stop sign causing us to lean forward. Although, Kelly's arm went across Chrissy like a mother does when this happens.

"When?" Chrissy asks with a smile on her face.

"Last night. I went to go give him his sweatshirt but then he told me he wanted to kiss me. So I told him he should and then he kissed me." I tell them, my own smile coming up as I blush and play with my hands.

"That's adorable." Kelly says as she continues her drive.

"Details?" Chrissy asks.

"It was amazing." I sigh out as I remember it.

"So, are you guys, together?" Kelly asks.

"No, we agreed we'd start that chapter in Canada. Just so that we don't get too attached here and then not see each other for awhile." I say.

"Well that's smart, so new topic, what are you thinking for a dress." Chrissy changes the subject.

"Nothing to fancy. Probably just a loose dress that still looks nice." I answer. We continue talking until we make our way to the diner where we sat and laughed. After eating we got back to the car and set our way to the mall.

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