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A/N: I don't know if I should put a trigger warning cause there is a part where the reader starts having a panic attack and I know some people are sensitive towards stuff like that. So better safe than sorry right?

~~~Mega Time Skip~~~
It's now June 27th and I'm very very close to 1 million cause Smii7y has been telling people to go subscribe to me for some reason. I'm now at 997,824 subs and this has not gone unnoticed by Jaren.

"(Y/N) come on. You're so close and 4th of July is literally around the corner." Jaren says as I'm in a call with him.

"If I remember correctly I promised I would go if I hit the goal. I have not yet hit the goal." I say as I'm clicking on my computer looking at plane tickets. The truth is, after meeting John I realized how much I really want to see everyone. So I'm thinking of going even if I don't hit the goal, but it's a surprise for the guys.

"But what happens if you reach the goal on July 3rd?" Jaren questions me.

"Then I'll buy a plane ticket and head over. By the way, when are you heading out?" I respond.

"I'll be landing there by July 1st then we all usually stay for a week or two just cause we don't see each other as much as we'd like."

I want to land before Jaren to be a surprise for him. I see a flight that should land in Tennessee by the 30th. Meaning that I've gotta start packing and telling Kelly I'm going cause i don't want Tyler to know, but I'm kinda staying at their house, like everyone else. Me and John have agreed to stay for two weeks just so that I can hang out with everyone as long as possible because this is the first time I'm seeing everyone. We've recorded enough footage so that we can just edit then upload a video and not worry about it. I grab my phone and walk over to my closet to get my suitcase so I can pack a bit now.

"(Y/N) please." Jaren begs. I start giggling at the fact that he doesn't know I'm going.

"I told you if I reach 1 mill I'll go, I haven't reached it yet." I respond as I fold some shirts and put them in my suitcase. I then go and fold a few pairs of jeans.

"Come on. It'll be so much more fun if you came along."

"How so?" I question after putting my suitcase in the corner of the room to pack later.

"Umm... I mean... uh. It just will ok." He says chuckling at the end.

"You just want to see what I look like huh?" I respond as I go to the kitchen.

"Well, yeah, but I also really want to hang out with you." He replies, his tone saddening as he finishes his sentence while playfully sniffling.

"Hey, don't get all sad on me. You'll see me soon enough. Remember, we're moving in together in Canada." I reply giggling. I then start moving to my living room. Jaren sighs.

"I guess. But I gotta go pack. I don't really like leaving these things for last minute. I'll talk to you later?" He replies, his tone of voice back to normal.

"Yeah. See ya." I respond, Jaren still hasn't hung up.


"Bye" There's a moment of silence.

"Ok for reals bye." He says while giggling.

"Bye" I respond and he hung up this time. I sigh with a smile on my face and lay down on my couch. A few days ago we found out I kinda do like Jaren. John is the only one that knows considering he's the one who helped me figure it out. Which reminds me,

(Y/N): John come over I found a flight.

Johnny: I'll be there in a few.

I go back to my computer to make sure the flight is still up so John can just see it, we book it, then we go. I then see my sub count go up by 43. I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion, but then I realized what had happened. I open my phone and find out I didn't see my Twitter notification for Smii7y, who told people I was close to 1mill and to go subscribe. I roll my eyes and smile about what the Canadian did. I wait a bit then I hear a knock on the door. I don't check the peephole, assuming it was John. It wasn't John.

"Hello (Y/N)" Daniel says, smiling wickedly at me. My eyes are wide as I attempt to shut the door but he forces it open again.

"Get out." I state trying to seem strong when I'm freaking out on the inside.

"Still live in this dump huh. I expected you to be living with me by this time, you know, cause of the amount of time we've been together." He starts walking around my apartment not seeing that I grabbed my phone to call John. Or at least I thought I had called John.

"We're not together, remember, we broke up after you cheated on me." I respond holding my phone near my leg, hearing someone pick up.

"Oh come on it was one mistake." He starts walking towards me as I back up into my wall. I'm now pressed against my wall as Daniel is in front of me, "I'm sure you slept with all those guys," he then puts a strand of my (H/C) hair behind my ear causing me to let out an unintentional whimper, "I was just settling the score." He states.

"I never slept with them, they're just friends." I reply turning my head away from him. He harshly grabs my face and points it towards him causing me to let out a yelp.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you. Got it." I let out another whimper in response as I nod my head yes. All of a sudden Daniel is pulled off of me. I don't see who did it but I run to my room and shut my door. My breathing has quickened as my eyes start watering. I set my phone down onto my bed and sit down next to it. My throat feels like it's closing up before I hear a voice from my phone I put it up to my ear to hear the softest voice I've ever heard from Jaren.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" He asks.

"I... can't" I then start hyperventilating again.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're ok. Everything is ok. Just breathe. You got this." Jaren responds, his tone still soft. Just hearing his voice has calmed me but it wasn't enough to stop. He then starts giving me a breathing exercise which helps but it still wasn't enough.

"Hey, do you remember that time, it was like a month or two after we first met. I called you cause I wanted to ask you a question but ended up getting sidetracked and somehow we both ended up in our kitchen, trying to see who can make a cake first." He stops and chuckles. I was so focused on remembering this story that I didn't realize my breathing was slowly going back to normal. Jaren continues, "From my perspective, I only heard noise, I had no idea what you were doing except for when you'd tell me. So as I was whisking together everything I heard a huge thud, then a really cute laugh. I asked, 'What happened?' You then responded with, 'My clumsy ass dropped an egg and slipped on it.' I was so confused on how you managed to do that, but it ended up making me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed before." Because I was so distracted on remembering this, my panic attack had stopped and I was sitting on my bed just smiling at the memory. I let out a giggle.

"Are you ok now?" He asks.

"Yeah just still a bit shaken up. Thanks." I reply my voice soft.

"No problem. Now as much as I would love to ask what happened I think I'll leave it alone so I don't scare you or anything."

"Yeah. That sounds like what's best. I'll tell you sometime though. Or John can tell you."

"John knows?" As I was about to respond, John walks into my room, knuckles red and a bruise on his cheek. I gasp and rush to him, phone in hand.

"Are you ok? What happened?" I asked. John only pulls me into a hug, much needed for the both of us.

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