T H I R T Y - O N E

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Kelly and I were hurrying to make it towards the finish before the other. We could hear the rest of the group outside cheering for either Kelly or me. We would occasionally grab each other to try and slow the other down but we ended up staying pretty much at the same speed. As we made it towards the finish line I can see a few of the boys leaning their heads into the bounce house but once they saw us they moved their heads. Kelly and I both leapt towards the finish no longer checking to see where the other was, both of us just wanting to get to the end.

"Boom! I win." I yell throwing my hands in the air as everyone is cheering.

"No, I won." Kelly says.

"Yup, Kelly won." Tyler responds coming up behind Kelly and hugging her.

"I call biased on that opinion." I say.

"It was Kelly bro." Chrissy tells us.

"No (Y/N) won." Smii7y speaks up.

"Now there is the biased opinion." Tyler says.

"No it isn't (Y/N) beat Kelly." John states and Mini agrees.

"Check the go pros!" I yell.

"We'll check the footage when we get back." Panda says laughing and recording all of us as we try to figure out who won. Everyone continued to race against each other which led to Tyler being the ultimate champion. (I think he cheated, his height is too big of an advantage) We raced again on the way back to the house, all of us back in the same cars we came in, Tyler won this time by a little bit.

"So I'm the winner in every race we do." He says leaning on his car and spinning his keys on his finger by the key ring.

"Hey, we beat you on the way there, and I beat you in Mario kart all the time." I respond as I walk past him with a smile.

"Nuh uh, not all the time." Tyler says as he follows me inside.

"Yuh huh." I reply

"Nuh uh"

"Yuh huh" This continued on for awhile, both of us finally shutting up once Kelly said she was gonna start on dinner. Once the food was ready we all sat around the dinner table as we waited for Kelly and Tyler to bring in the food. I looked around the table, the order being Tyler, once he sat down, being at the head of the table, Kelly on his left, Jaren next to her, Scotty, Chrissy, and Mini at the other end of the table. Then to Tyler's right was Anthony, I sat next to him with John next to me. Tyler and Kelly sat down, putting the food in front of us to grab and we started dinner. We were like one big family, I mean, we were before this, but all of us sitting down, eating, laughing, and talking together really showed me how much of a family we really were.

"Hey." Tyler snaps me out of my thoughts and I hum to show he has my attention, "You gonna eat brother?" He asks.

"Yeah, sorry, just got a bit lost in thought." I say picking up my fork and starting to eat.

"What were you thinking about?" Chrissy asks staring at me. I look up from my plate and smile at her.

"Just some sappy shit." I reply and go back to eating. After saying that everyone went back to normal conversation. We finished dinner and cleaned the table, deciding to just hang out and chill at the table. As we were talking I felt somebody's foot hit mine. I thought nothing of it until it happened again. I look across the table and see Smii7y with a huge smile on his face as he listens to Tyler tell a story. I look to Tyler and then feel the person kick my foot again, so I looked under the table and saw Jaren's leg swaying back and forth. I sat back up and kicked him, not hard it was just a little bump. He kicked me back and we continued kicking each other back and forth, occasionally looking away from Tyler to smile at one another.

"Oh my gosh you guys are a bunch of toddlers, stop playing footsies!" Tyler says, (A/N: Tell me why I can legit hear him say this.) cutting himself off from what he was saying as he stares at us. Jaren and I turn to each other and just break out into fits of laughter, Jaren's iconic wheeze coming out at one point.

"What happened?" Kelly asks, starting to giggle.

"Those two were kicking each other under the table." Tyler says beginning to laugh. We continued talking for awhile before we decided to go to bed. I went into the room I was staying in and changed into pajamas, doing my whole night routine. I put my phone on my charger and laid down. I continued staring at the ceiling because I couldn't seem to fall asleep, it was like my thoughts were going way too fast to the point I didn't have any idea what they even were. Staring at the ceiling got pretty boring after awhile so I turned over and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand to see that I had been lying awake for about an hour, the time now reading 2 am. I groaned and set my phone down, flipping over again. When I still hadn't fallen asleep I sighed and grabbed my phone, charger, pillow, and blanket. I opened my door and knocked on the one beside mine. Waiting a second the door opened to reveal John, his eyes wide open and his hair still a bit tame letting me know I didn't wake him.

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asks me, concern filling his eyes.

"No. Just couldn't sleep, I thought maybe being closer to you two would make it easier to fall asleep." I reply.

"That's kind of weird, but I guess." He says and opens the door wider.

"Thanks. Hey Jaren." I state walking in and dropping my pillow and blanket on the ground.

"Hey, whatcha doing here?" Jaren replies putting his phone on the nightstand that was next to him as he sat on the bed.

"She couldn't sleep, she's thinking she'll be able to if she's closer to us." John responds getting under the covers on the other side of the bed and laying down.

"Any idea why?" Jaren asks.

"I don't know, just feel safer around you two than when I'm by myself I guess." I reply looking up to see Jaren blush and then looking back down to connect my charger to the outlet in the wall then connecting my phone. I then sit on the ground and grab my blanket ready to wrap it around myself.

"What are you doing?" Jaren asks.

"Going to sleep, why?" I look up at him from the floor.

"Dude, you're not sleeping on the ground." John says starting to sit up.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"Cause we said so, now get up here." Jaren states doing a come here motion with his hand. (A/N: No, not that finger one, you know the one where people move their wrist instead of their fingers, yeah that.)

"But-" I start but then John cuts me off, beginning to get up.

"Nope, no complaining about this one." He then picks me up and tosses me onto the bed next to Smii7y.

"Guys come on, I'm pretty sure the bed barely fits you two." I say as Jaren starts covering me with the blanket.

"What's that supposed to mean?" John questions in a joking tone, he then chuckles and gets under the covers with Jaren and I. I roll my eyes as both boys high five each other at their accomplishment in getting me onto the bed.

"I hate you both equally." I say closing my eyes and getting comfortable.

"Love you too." John says and kisses my right cheek as Jaren kisses my left at the same time. I giggle and close my eyes as the warmth of the blanket and both boys gives me enough comfort that I can fall asleep.

(A/N: Sorry for taking forever to put out a chapter, with the holidays and mental health reasons I kinda needed a bit of a break, it felt like forever though so I'm sorry, hope you all had a happy and safe holidays and I wish you a happy New Years. Hopefully 2021 treats us all better than 2020. Love y'all, byeeeeeeee."

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