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We continued watching TV until 2:30. I was still in between my two best friends but one was asleep. Jaren's jet-lag had finally got to him as he slept with his elbow leaning on the arm of the couch and his head in his hand. John got up and I was still looking at Smii7y.

"Why do both of you have a staring problem?" John asks chuckling but stops once he sees Jaren move a bit.

"We don't have a staring problem. This is just the first time we've seen each other." I reply getting up, "can you help me move him."

"Why are you gonna move him?"

"Because he looks uncomfortable. We're just gonna lay him down on the couch." So I cup Jaren's cheek and move his head off his hand but he starts waking up.

"What's happening?" Jaren asks, his voice a bit groggy. He opens his eyes and they lock onto mine.

"I was just gonna move you so you can lay down on the couch instead of sitting."

"Oh. I can do that don't worry." I move my hand from his face and he starts shuffling around until he's laying down and gets comfortable. His breathing then evens out and I see him relax. I turn to John to see him walking towards the kitchen where everyone has moved to. I go and follow him. Chrissy, Scott, and Craig are standing near the fridge while Tyler, John, and I are on the other side of the counter and we talk for 20 minutes or so.

"You know (Y/N) has a crush on Smii7y?" John just randomly blurts out. My eyes widen and I smack him in the arm while he laughs. Everyone stares at me with big smiles.

"Really?" Tyler asks me.

"No." I reply blushing and looking at the ground.

"Oh she totally does." Chrissy says.

"Aww." Craig and Scott say simultaneously.

"Shut up." I say. Then Kelly comes in and smiles at all of us. In her hand is a McDonald's bag.

"Hey guys." She goes around and hugs everyone, "Where's Jaren?" She asks

"He's taking a nap on the couch." Tyler says.

"Why's (Y/N) look like a tomato?" She giggles.

"Cause John just informed all of us she has a crush on Smithers." Craig says. I glare at him and he just laughs.

"Oh yeah. I found that out yesterday." Kelly says nonchalantly.

"You guys do know he just went back to sleep. He can probably hear us." I say.

"That's fine. I'm sure he won't mind hearing how much you love him." John teases then he started making kissy faces and everyone else joins in laughing. I roll my eyes and smile. We talk for another hour or two then we finally decide to eat the chicken nuggets Kelly had brought. Jaren wakes up after a while and comes to join us. We lost track of time and before we knew it, it was 10. Kelly had to get up early tomorrow so she went upstairs to get ready for bed. Little by little everyone started going to bed until it was just me, Smii7y and John. It was now 1 am and John was getting tired. I told him to go to bed so him and Jaren went to their room to figure out how they were sleeping since there was one bed. I picked up everyone's trash and threw it away, and as quietly as possible washed the dishes so that Kelly didn't have to do it in the morning. As I set a wet plate down someone picked it up and dried it with a rag. I look to see it's Jaren and he gives me a small smile. I smile back and in a comfortable silence we finish the dishes.

"Thanks." I say.

"No problem. But now you owe me two things." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"You owe me because you stopped our normal late night/ early morning calls, and because I helped you with the dishes."

"Fine. But I did say I was gonna make it up to you for the calls. Does me being here count?"

"Nope. Now you have to talk to me until the early morning."


"Yup. Come on." Then he grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs. He opens the door to my room for the next two weeks, lets go of my hand, and jumps onto the bed.

"This is how you want me to make up for it?"

"Yes. Now come over here and talk to me until the sun rises." Jaren is now sitting up against the headboard. I put my phone on the charger and sit next to him.

"What do you want to talk about?" I look up at him cause even sitting down he's taller.

"I don't know? How are you liking talking to everyone in person?"

"I like it a lot better than talking to you guys online."

"Then why didn't you come sooner. You didn't have to do a face reveal to come to Tyler's."

"Because I didn't want you guys to see me. I was very insecure but now I really don't care."

"What were you insecure about? You're personality is amazing and you're gorgeous."

The answer was that Daniel tended to bring me down a lot when we were in a relationship but I decided not to think about him. Instead I focused on the blush that had come onto Jaren's face after what he said.

"I didn't really think that." I responded, we started talking a bit more and some how we ended up laying down. Jaren's head on the pillow, mine on his chest, my right hand also on his chest, and his arm around me. We actually did talk until the sun came up but we didn't stop talking because of that. He checked the time on his phone and told me it was 5:45. My eyes were closed as I nodded showing I acknowledged what he said. Slowly, our words started slurring together and we soon came to a comfortable silence. After a few minutes Jaren speaks up.


I hum in response.

"I know you might not want to think about it right now, and I get it if you don't want to talk about it. But what happened to you and John that one day?" My eyes pop open and I stiffen up. Because of me stiffening Jaren tightened his embrace on me which gave me a sense of protection. I moved my arm so I was kind of hugging Jaren and cuddled a little more into him.

"How about me and John tell you some other time?" I respond.

"Yeah, I guess." We get two seconds of silence before we hear Kelly walking down the hallway. I guess she heard us cause she knocked on the door then opened it. I sat up as fast as I could so that she doesn't tease me about it later.

"Hey guys. You're up early." She says smiling.

"We didn't really go to sleep." Jaren says sitting up next to me.

"Oh, were y'all just talking all night?" She asks

"Yeah." I say.

"Ok. Well I'm gonna head out. I assume it was you two who did the dishes last night so thank you. I'll see you guys later." Then she left.

"I should probably go to my room before John gets the idea that I'm cheating on him." Jaren says. I giggle and nod my head. He gets up and walks out of my room, closing the door on his way out. I smile and then hear my phone ding. I look and see a text from Kelly.

Kelly: Don't think I didn't see that

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