Chapter One

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Third POV

The siblings stared in surprise, that was there mother?! She stood there straight faced with hidden anger that the siblings noticed that Klaus and Kol definitely have that same look, it seems Freya did too. The siblings stared at their mother in awe, Freya was right, she was pretty. Her hidden angry look vanished temporarily seeing Henrik run to her, wrapping himself around the black robes she had on at the moment.

"Yes, thought you'd like to meet Death officially since you like to hide out in the Other Side, away from her. It seems your sister already met her," Lucifer said to the cowering witch as his wife held up Dahlia's head with the infamous family smirk present on her face. Esther looked at her sister's head in horror, "Yes it was a bloody brilliant official meeting," Freya sassed, after all she was there when the meeting happened.

"But you know, then I thought, family reunion activity, give them back their abilities, and you become target practice. Now don't be trying to do magic anymore, only thing you can do is heal yourself, we wouldn't want you dying now would we," Lucifer spoke as if he was talking to a child.

Esther whimpered in her corner looking at Lady Magic for help, "Why would I help you? I took away your magic, what did you think would happen if you stole the children of Death and the Devil? That you would get a life of luxury? No not happening," she spoke. The siblings had been migrating towards their mother and looked surprised, their parents were the actual Devil and Death?

They watched as Lucifer smacked Esther so hard that she went unconscious, he turned around to his wife, officially getting his first good look of her in a thousand years, "Hello love," was all he said for Dahlia's head to be thrown next to her sister's body and a blur of white and black had tackled the taller man, their children watching the reunion with smiles. Their mother had her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. The children watched on, not jealous or anything knowing they hadn't seen each other in thousand years too, but waited patiently for them to say something to them.

Lucifer and Iris had finally separated and turned to their children and held out there arms. Rebekah and Freya immediately went to Lucifer, while Finn, Elijah, Klaus, and Kol all took turns with Iris, she was small enough and they were big enough that the four couldn't hug her all at once. Henrik had spent all those years with his mother so he let his brothers have their mother and went to go with his sisters to their father. Iris however had noticed Klaus and Kol's hugs were a lot tighter, they needed reassurance about having a mother who will love them again. She remembered when they were children that all her boys were momma's boys. Just like how she had two daddy's girls.

They went downstairs so they could all sit together, "So what else have we missed. We know about Mikael's death, Rebekah and Elijah both trying to kill Nik, Finn being depressed and daggered for nine hundred years, Kol going on killing sprees and feeling abandoned, and Klaus with abandonment issues cause of that Viking. Was that about it?" Lucifer asked, the siblings had nodded.

"What do you mean about our abilities?" Kol asked.

"Well, the sorry excuse for a witch had actually blocked yours and Finns magic," the two brothers looked surprised, "After this either Luna or I can lift them, as for everybody, with my ability to blend in, you all can do that too. You all have your own magic, and your own wolves, you can actually shift into any animal. From my side, you also gain the ability, to sense death, right off hand I know some of the villages Kol killed off would have been hit with an illness that would've killed most of them," Iris said, "From your father's side, you will gain wings rather soon, he was an angel after all. You also gain a more demonic side that makes you act in violence or in cunningness. Freya and Finn were least likely to show it so quickly, the rest of you did no problem."

"Then how come Nik only has a wolf side at first?" Rebekah asked.

"Each of you came into different sides at first. Finn, Freya, and Kol were the first with magic. Elijah and Rebekah had your angel/demon sides even if you didn't have your wings yet. Niklaus and Henrik both had their wolves come first, but when you got taken Henrik hadn't gained anything yet, we assumed you two were our little wolves and we were right," Lucifer said.

"Now, when your other abilities are unlocked, you should be able to shape change, as in changing your appearance or age," Lucifer said. Iris and Luna were setting up the ritual to free the other parts the siblings had blocked. They naturally knew how to work everything, but they never got to practice it, Lucifer and Iris made sure they knew the different parts as they didn't know who would get what first. Elijah and Rebekah both had a pair of wings spring from there back, they were big like Lucifer's but black because of their mother.

"Now, sister, Luci, go have some time together, nephews and nieces, figure out your powers and help others figure out there other parts, I have a Bennett Witch to go threaten," Luna said and disappeared.

Lucifer and Iris were given a room while the siblings figured out some other abilities. The two were talking quietly, enjoying each other's company after being separated for so long. It had been a few hours and they were lying in bed, Lucifer on his back and Iris lying on his chest. They had stopped talking as soon as they heard a noise, more like noises, more specifically seven pairs of small feet, "I think they figured out the age thing," Iris said just in time for the door to burst open and seven small children zoomed into the bed and cuddled up with their new found parents.

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