Chapter Nine

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Iris POV

I checked in on all my children, they were pretty much all knocked out and latched on to their significant others, but I noticed Niklaus resting uncomfortably as Caroline was the only one in there, 'Damon?' I mouthed.

'I don't know,' Caroline mouthed back. I walked back out, passing Enzo and Bonnie who were looking at a recipe for a paste I showed them to help my children when they woke up again. Davina would have helped, but the young witch had blushed so brightly when Kol would not let go of her, just like Jeremy had blushed when Henrik grabbed him. Freya, Kol, and Davina had picked up a hybrid that I created on the way back, Keelin, which Freya, in her auto-pilot state of driving back, had claimed her as her mate.

I didn't bother checking with Stefan, if he's just now trying to fix his relationship with Damon, I knew he wouldn't know where Damon was. Also Stefan was preoccupied with Rebekah. Lucifer joined in on the search as he was getting concerned to, until he heard unsteady breathing in one of the back rooms. It was a small room, but it was a quiet room. I opened the door to see Damon breathing unsteadily and pulling at his hair.

"Damon?" I called and he jumped and saw us both there. We stepped in and sat down next to him, "What's wrong?" I asked. I was right next to him while Lucifer was next to me, we knew if Damon might possibly be having a panic attack that we did not want him feeling trapped.

"Many things happening...flashbacks...too much," I heard. Then I heard crying, "I had flashbacks to when my father reacted to me being interested in men and women. I always thought I was such a bad guy because of that. Enzo helped me through that but I still get flashbacks and sometimes my mind goes back to those points. I was also getting flashbacks form Augustine and I thought I was feeling all the wounds again, and it hurt so much. Then I couldn't go to Stefan at the beginning because I didn't think he would do anything, and I'm the older brother I should be helping him and I felt like I couldn't do that. Then I felt ashamed that I couldn't help my brother when he was so out of control. Then he comes here and finds that damn doppelganger and this whole started again. Then suddenly I'm mates with the supposed enemy along with one of the few friends I managed to make. My brother is trying to fix our relationship without the doppelganger. I'm reunited with Enzo, who was angry at first, but he forgave me, but I was having that nagging feeling the whole time that he was either dead or he was still stuck there and angry with me. All the angry comments just came rushing at me," he rambled out tears streaming down his face as breathing became more unsteady.

"Well, Damon," Lucifer spoke up, catching the vampire's attention, "I can tell you, he's in hell. And when you take your first trip down there, I will let you let your anger out on him," he offered. "Now, when I fell from heaven, I had been so angry. I created Hell and demons, I had this big bad reputation put on me, but in reality the people who go there are the ones who need to be punished. I punish the bad guys, they don't go through the bad torture unless they deserved it. Some who go there by mistake and are angry about it become demons. Jenna was literally chilling down there in her own room and gained some of our higher level demon's respect and friendship. Anybody down there that becomes a demon admits that I'm nicer than they expected because I give them an option of being a demon, letting them wallow in their guilt, or they get tortured. Yes, I get those moments, I can't stand Satanists and those sacrificial rituals they do that give them nothing. My life turned for the better when I met Iris and had children, I didn't care about the comments and I can't really do anything for the sacrifices. This is your life turning around for the better, you finally get a family you wanted, without judgment," Lucifer finished.

"I would tell you my story, but you already know. I had been accused of being bad by what would have been my friends. In my second year of school I had been outcasted for talking to snakes. My third year because my godfather escapes the magical prison. Fourth year because I had somehow gotten passed an age restriction when I really didn't. Fifth because I kept seeing these visions. I had so many depressing thoughts and I couldn't get time to myself before I finally snapped after the war. I had many times where I wanted to end it so I could see my parents and uncles. My life turned around meeting my husband, and torturing your father might help relieve some pressure on your shoulders. Making the bitch who wanted to replace my mother explode in front of her youngest two children's eyes was great!" I said and saw a calmer Damon have a smile on his face.

Third POV

"Now, a relationship with Nik and Caroline will be good for you, go head back up, Nik can sense you're not there in his sleep and I don't like seeing my pup whimpering in his sleep. Now," Iris slapped his leg lightly, "Go," she pointed at the door as the three stood up. Damon paused for a second and hugged the two, "Thank you," he whispered and sped up the stairs, passed Enzo and Bonnie, although he didn't know Enzo heard the whole thing and Bonnie was trying to figure out why he was upset. He knew he had to bring it up with Stefan.

Damon stopped in front of the room to Klaus' door and took a second before going back in and hearing the whimpering, "You okay?" Caroline whispered. She had been worried when Klaus' whimpering got worse and she could see Damon had been crying. "I'm better," he said and laid down on Caroline's other side as Klaus' whimpering finally stopped.

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