Chapter Fifteen

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Third POV

All the Morningstar's could sense Peter's nervousness, but he did well to hide it. Mischief had introduced him to everybody else, but he was noticing out of the new people, he was avoiding Damon. Damon didn't seem to notice as him and Stefan had to leave to tend to the nuisance named Elena. Elena had been gloating about her little plan with Esther and how the Originals won't be a problem.

"Why were you avoiding Damon?" Peter asked, catching the attention of Caroline and Klaus. "It's not that I don't like him, I do. It's just that he seems to have a lot of emotional pain on him, and if were to have physical contact with him, I would end up feeding off of it unintentionally and take the pain away. Then he would get addicted to that feeling of being numb," Mischief explained. "Some of you had that same pain when I've come across you at times, but it's lessened significantly," he adds. Kol, Klaus, Finn, and Rebekah mostly had this for all their own reasons. Klaus and Caroline nodded in understanding, from what they understood of what the adopted Morningstar could do and feed from; he was stopping himself for Damon's own well-being.

"Well we have a little bit of time, Peter; do you want to come with Nik and I to the Grill?" Kol asked. Mischief gave his mate a nod in encouragement and the wolf nodded, accepting the invitation.

"Does Peter have some emotional pain? Is that why you are wearing gloves?" Davina asked. "Yes, my abilities also work as a siphoner, so be aware if I need to take pain away," Mischief said, noting that Davina was a witch, a mortal witch. The others made note to spread that news to the others, especially Bonnie, who was also still a mortal witch. "He's had some things happen to him but his emotional pain has gotten better, he was just more nervous here than anything, it's just physical pain which I don't mind taking away as long as he didn't mind," Mischief adds.

Lucifer than heard something, he did tell the others that they could pray to him if a phone call couldn't be made, he heard his name be called by Enzo, 'I sure hope this works. But if you can, in fact, hear me. The ritual is on tonight, Abby is setting up a spot in the witch's house,' he said. Lucifer relayed the message to the others, Bonnie had been following Abby to see where she would be doing what Esther had planned.

Soon after that, 'Father, the hunter and his new girlfriend just stabbed Kol,' came from Klaus. "Kol got attacked, this happens now. Mischief, go find Peter, I don't know if they're going to attack him. You two both go find Bonnie, Enzo is getting her out of there, and call Damon and Stefan to help. Rebekah, you, Davina, Freya, and Keelin, snatch up the doppelganger and bring her there to Esther, I'm sure we all want to see this. The rest of you, get going to the ritual, my children are going to learn how to smite someone," Lucifer ordered.

"Wait, we need something to cover our tracks," Jeremy said.

"I have an idea, Luna is already working on it," Iris spoke up.

Mischief quickly found his mate, who looked a bit shocked at the situation but had pulled out the stake while Nik had killed Alaric (making sure he didn't have the Gilbert Ring first) and Meredith. Peter and Mischief hurried off to find where Bonnie and Enzo were, the two getting introduced quickly to Peter. Abby looked up startled seeing the Salvatore brothers along with Peter and Mischief. Esther looked up startled seeing all the boys she stole, there mates behind them appear in front of her. She was then startled as Elena silently screamed as she was brought by the two girls Esther stole, with the rest of the mates behind them.

"Esther, you naughty, naughty, sorry excuse of a witch," Iris said, walking forward. "Guess who's not escaping me this time?" she asked a bit sadistically. Esther looked scared but then smug, "But I've linked all of your children together, I kill one they all die," she said with a sickly sweet tone that reminded Iris of a certain pink toad, making her angrier.

"Oh, no!" she yells with sarcasm, "Whatever shall I do, I'm such a horrible mother that I wouldn't tell my children to be sneaky around a doppelganger so they overheard her talking to you and found out your plan. It's not like their part vampire, they can smell the blood in the champagne, or that witch that you picked would go to her daughter who is soooooo not on your side," Iris continued, showing her children who their need for drama came from. It was a Morningstar thing, it was a Potter thing.

Just then, Esther's magic she was channeling went dead, "Oh no, it's like the witch is dead," Iris said, still keeping the same tone. At the witch's house, the spirits of the witch's were too scared to do anything, knowing these were mates of the children of the Devil and Death, along with the adopted one being there. "Abby Bennett," Mischief said, looking at the shocked witch. "Abby's going bye-bye," he continued, the witch not seeing Peter sneak up behind and stab the witch with his claws extending. Abby gasped as the claws entered her heart and felt her magic drain as Mischief fed on her magic and pain. The spirits were too shocked to do anything so Stefan and Damon quickly sped the two out before the spirits broke out of there shock and they burned the place down.

They all hurried back to the ritual, Stefan going to stand next to Rebekah who was holding Elena. Elena looked up at Stefan with hope, but it vanished when Stefan kissed Rebekah's cheek. Damon entered and ignored the doppelganger, going straight to Klaus who grabbed his hand as he also kissed Caroline on the cheek. Elena watched the brothers in shock, her shock increasing seeing Caroline was in fact, with both Klaus and Damon. Her jaw dropped seeing Bonnie, who wasn't even sad about her mother, stand with the guy who had picked her up that one day, stand to the side. She saw her Aunt Jenna standing a little bit closely to Elijah and was glaring at Esther trying to set her on fire with just her eyes. Jeremy was standing next to the youngest Morningstar, holding his hand. "Yes Elena, nobody is on your side," Iris said.

Lucifer had mentally told his children what to do, but before they could, he approached the demon of the group, letting Jenna get her wish. She couldn't exactly set Esther on fire with her eyes, but she could summon hellfire. Jenna summoned it, and aimed it at Esther. Esther screamed, btu then realized, so did Elena. Elena came to the same realization as her eyes looked as if they would pop out of her head. "Yeah, we did this thing, and connected you and Elena," Iris nonchalantly told Esther.

Lucifer and Iris let the other mates do as they pleased. Elena watching in exhaustion, pain, and shock as Jenna and Jeremy seemed to be the most brutal, they knew it would hurt Elena. Damon was also pretty brutal and so was Stefan. Elena's broken body laid there as a blinding power overcame the hands of the Morningstar siblings, "Aim for the body not the ground, we don't need a crater," Lucifer said and seven beams of light hit the broken body of Esther and the witch exploded, I mean there were guts everywhere. And you know, since it was a bit blinding, and when something happens to one, it happens to the other, they got to see the last human doppelganger explode too.

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