Chapter Twelve

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Bonnie POV

I had sensed another witches' magic, a Bennett witch to be exact. The Morningstar's knew exactly what Esther was planning the problem was, who was the witch? Luna and Iris seemed to know who it was and said I would automatically know as soon as I saw them. I was telling Enzo my thoughts as we sat in my house. I had warded off my house from any unwanted supernatural, only letting the Morningstar, their mates, and Enzo, in the house without needing my permission. The other night, none of the siblings had drank Elena's blood, none were connected to each other. One advantage for the having and archangel and a Core Witch from another dimension who became Death, they control time. Lucifer and Iris had switched out all the champagne except one, and added Esther's blood to it, and then made sure Elena would drink it.

A knock on my front door was heard, pausing mine and Enzo's conversation. I looked through the peep hole and looked back at Enzo with wide eyes and motioned for him to call the others. I opened the door, and their she was, my mother.

"Bonnie," she sighed in relief. I could tell she was weakened, Esther was feeding off of her magic, the idiot. "Mother," I said coldly, making her flinch.

"Where's your Grams?" she asked.

"She's dead," I said shortly.

Abbie flinched again, "And you've been here the whole time? On your own?" like she truly gave a shit. I slammed the door in the face and turned back to Enzo who was on the phone, I don't know with who. "That was her, my sorry excuse for a mother, is helping Esther," I said.

"You heard that?" Enzo said in the phone. He hung up the phone afterwards, "That was Caroline, she was the first in my contacts and she was with Rebekah at the moment," he said. I nodded and sat with him again.

Rebekah POV

"Stupid question, but you heard all that?" Caroline asked me. I nodded and grabbed the clothes we were buying, "This is all free," I compelled the cashier. The cashier handed us all the stuff and we left, "Usually I would have actually paid for it, we have the money to do it, but this is something that needs to hurry," I said to Caroline.

We got in the car and drove back to the Manor and entered, "Dad!" I called seeing mom was on the phone, "Bonnie found out the witch, it's her mother Abbie, she appeared in Mystic Falls pretending to want to be back in Bonnie's life again and she isn't buying it, she can feel the magic being leeched off the woman," I explained.

"You're a couple hours away?" Mom asked on the phone.

"Yes mom I'm a couple hours away," an unfamiliar male voice sounded. Mom hung up the phone, "Call the others," she said.

"Okay, we know who the witch is now, it's Abbie Bennett, of course Esther would feed off the magical line of her dear friend, the bitch. Somebody else is coming to help with this, and to help you with another side you haven't quite gotten yet," mom explained.

"Was that who you were on the phone with?" I asked. Mom nodded and motioned for me to ask the next question, "Why did he call you mom?"

The rest of my siblings all looked at me in shock and then turned to our parents, "Okay, the best way I can explain this is when I became who I am, I brought somebody with me other than Luna. You do have an older sibling by blood adoption, he's just been somewhere else pretending to be a human and he should here soon."

"Can I ask, how did you two meet?" Enzo asked, gaining back the attention of everybody. Mom took a second before she turned to all of us, "Well, first, you need to know that there is such things as other universes..."

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