Chapter Three

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Third POV

Bonnie had called Caroline over after she had mostly recovered from Lady Magic's threatening. "Oh my God, Bonnie!" Caroline said when she came in and saw the pale witch still on the floor.

Caroline was about to rush over but then stops, "Wait, why did you call me and not Elena?" she asked, a bit suspicious, but was then startled as Bonnie started sobbing. The blonde vampire rushed over to the witch, pulling her into a hug, "Have I been that bad of a friend to you? Always going to Elena?" she cried out.

Caroline had a feeling she needed to be honest, "Well, yeah, you always went to her and pretty much left me out of things, and now because of that I'm a vampire, and you judged me beforehand thinking I couldn't handle it. Damon I could understand because I was a confused and recently turned vampire. Stefan did not know how to treat a new vampire, trying to get me onto animal blood. I mean Damon did have a good point on something," Caroline trailed off, successfully making Bonnie temporarily forget what she was dealing with at the moment.

"Oh? And since when have you to been getting along?"

"Well he was more reasonable when it came to being a new vampire; he figured out that I wanted to live, to get over the panic I was feeling. So he bluntly and honestly told me what I needed to know, he told me why he did what he did to me, that he was angry, he held in all this anger towards his brother that when he found Elena he thought he would target one of her friends. He stayed away from you, knowing you were a witch even if you didn't know it yet, your last name is still what told him. He actually apologized for it," Bonnie looked surprised, "He taught me how to compel, how to feed off of someone, how to gain control, how to help with the cravings. He's even told me one his secrets, and out of respect for him, I'm not telling you," Bonnie nodded, "He even told me one time, after I asked why he didn't like Stefan's diet. He said, he knows it helps him, with his Ripper tendencies, but when you think of him trying to get so many vampires on an animal diet compared to ones on a human diet, we would have all animals go extinct before the humans did," Caroline explained.

Bonnie looked a bit impressed, it did make sense, "So yes, we became closer and that's why he kept coming up to you at different times than Stefan and Elena and acted out angrily when you wouldn't make me a daylight ring. I was upset that you immediately started judging me because I was a vampire when you're the one who told them to give me vampire blood. It was either that or I actually would have been dead-dead not undead," Caroline continued, "Now, what happened?"

Bonnie had explained all about what Lady Magic had just told her, "And then I was thinking, am I really that bad that I am going to something so drastic that I can never return from all because of Elena. I already lost Grams. Lady Magic said Grams was one of the Bennetts she actually liked and now I'm thinking it's because she knew what Elena was, she never liked Elena and tried to stay away. She would keep pulling me away when she could from her. She knew Elena was a Petrova doppelganger and she still died because of one, like Emily Bennett and Ayana did," Bonnie ranted.

"Who's Ayana?" Caroline asked.

"She was Esther Mikaelson's witch friend, she tried denying a way to save the Originals but Ayana wouldn't give her a clue so Esther killed the original Petrova doppelganger and killed her, using her to turn the siblings. Ayana had preserved and healed Esther's body which killed her. Ayana indirectly died because of a doppelganger," Bonnie explained.

"Honestly?" Caroline started.


"I'd think we'd be better off without Elena," Caroline said. Bonnie couldn't help but agree.

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