Chapter Six

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Third POV

Jenna and Jeremy had entered the Mystic grill, and people started whispering, "Jenna?" Carol Lockwood asked. The Morningstar's had already been there, spread out around the Grill, they were not going to miss this show. The Salvatores, Bonnie, and Caroline entered soon behind, curious as to what the newly resurrected Jenna would do. Klaus walked up behind Damon and Caroline, putting his arms around there shoulders, "Hello loves, we had a hand bringing Jenna back and knew she was going to put on a show, we've got popcorn," he said and the group went and sat with the spread out family members. "Oh, and Damon," he added, "We have a surprise, we made another stop before coming back with Jenna," he said and motioned towards the door only for Lorenzo St. John to walk in. Damon stared in shock as Enzo walked up to him and hugged him, "You're forgiven," was all he said for the younger vampire to hug him back. "Now who's this Bennett witch I've heard about?"

After Enzo joined the others, they focused back in on Jenna that the whole Grill was still paying attention too, "What's wrong?" Jenna asked.

"We were told you were dead," Jenna's eyes widened in 'shock', "we had a funeral for you and all, you have a tombstone," Carol said.

Jenna shook her head in fake disbelief, "I've been on vacation, I trusted Elena to watch over Jeremy since I thought she was old enough only for me to come back and find Jeremy who was so shocked to find that I was alive. I don't know why Elena told everybody I was dead, maybe she wanted attention, has any adult been watching over them?" she ranted.

"Mr. Saltzman has," Tyler spoke up, he was also in shock, but was also wondering why the Original family was more spread out, with more members and based on the lay out and the members he saw walk in with them that there were new leaders, the tall dark blonde haired man that to Tyler screamed 'danger', and a white haired woman with pale skin who seemed more gentle until she was pissed off. The couple was sitting in the middle of the layout of Originals watching the show.

"A man who I barely even dated has been watching over my niece and nephew. Might I mention my niece is the daughter of dead wife, it's a bit creepy," Jenna said, snapping Tyler out of his thoughts. "But if he wants to continue, that's fine, I don't want to deal with a spoiled niece who claims that I'm dead because I went on vacation and nobody bothered to watch over them," Jenna continued and walked out with Jeremy smirking behind her. Before walking out though, Jenna stopped by the table Elijah was at and dropped a piece of paper on the table, "My number, we're going on a date, no arguments, pick me up tomorrow at 6, plan the rest," and she walked out as Jeremy had also just gained Henrik's number and a flirty wink. Elijah sat there stunned, while his siblings all smirked at him.

Tyler looked back at the Originals, he looked back at the couple that was sitting at the back, there were cozied up next to each other and he decided to look at the rest. To the right, sat Klaus with Caroline and Damon, the other man he saw Damon hugging moved to separate table with Bonnie, on the main couples other side sat an older male, about as old as the tall blonde male, and a red head, they were whispering to each other and sat like the couple next to them, like they hadn't seen each other in a long time. On the other side of Klaus, sat a still shocked Elijah and a smirking female who kind of looked like him, while on the other side of the blonde male and redheaded female sat to younger males, one of them being who he saw flirt with Jeremy. In another table in front of the group and next to Bonnie and the unknown male was Rebekah and Stefan.

At the table of Klaus, Caroline, and Damon, the dark haired male was still in shock seeing his best friend, "How?" he asked Klaus but Enzo entered as everyone could hear him, "I was in my cell and imagine my surprise hearing tons of screams and seeing Augustines getting slaughtered left and right, and having the Originals of all people coming to my cell and telling me what you told Klaus. I almost didn't believe him but he said to come here and watch your reaction to seeing me and then I knew it was the truth and I wasn't angry anymore. Also cause Klaus told me how you thought I might like a certain witch," Enzo looked back at Bonnie, "And yeah, I do," he said. Bonnie blushed and looked away, she was surprised Damon played matchmaker after all the things she had done to him, frankly it was because she was kept in the dark or it involved Elena, but she had still done it.

The Salvatores, Caroline, and Bonnie, were brought back to the Morningstar Manor and got filled in on what had actually happened when all the siblings were undaggered. How Esther and Mikael were not actually their parents and Lucifer and Iris/Death were. Jeremy had been filled in by Jenna as they made their way to where Elena and Alaric were no doubt waiting. "So what are you?" Jeremy had asked, knowing full well that Jenna was not a human.

"Well since I died a vampire they made me an Original Vampire and for extra protection, especially since I was in hell, I got the addition of a demon, so yeah I'm a hybrid," Jenna said and they walked up to the house, "the best bit is I don't have to be invited in. sp this will be entertaining," she added and the aunt and nephew shared an amused smirk as Jeremy went and unlocked the door, "Jeremy?! Where have you been?!" Elena screeched, Alaric came up behind her with a questioning look, "You wouldn't believe who I found..." Jeremy trailed off and stepped aside.

(A/N: Is it just me or does Joseph Morgan and Chris Martin look like they could be related? I mean Jomo's actual last name is Martin and they're both from the UK, soooooooo)

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