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Secrets chapter 1;

"No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things" -Demi Lovato


"I think if we tear down this wall, making the kitchen open to the living room, we could make the house a little more... cozy!" Margret, my mother, says to me, my step-brothers Andrew and Joseph, and Marcus, my step-dad.

Ever since my mom and dad split up, they haven't acted like parents to me. Why should I call someone "mom" or "dad" when they don't act like one.

"I think we should do whatever you and Brea want, sweetheart," Marcus says, kissing Margret on the temple as he says it.

"Oh, so all of the sudden you seem to be the concerning step-parent. Do whatever the hell you guys want, I'll be back later to help unpack the moving truck when it gets here," I say, walking away from the group of people that claim to be my family.

"Where are you going?" Margret calls out to me as I walk down the driveway.

"As far the hell away I can, that's where," I say back, not bothering to turn around, for people say I naturally have a loud voice.

"You better have your phone on you incase of an emergency!" Marcus calls out to me.

"Oh come on, when do I not have my phone?" I say to myself.

I pull out my earbuds and put them in while I turn on the iTunes Radio. Of course, the first song to come on is by the most popular boyband at this moment; 5 Seconds of Summer. All four of the boys in that band are just man-whores waiting to be caught by the press.

I quickly switch the song, as "Ain't it Fun" by Paramore plays through the speakers in my earbuds.

"That's better," I sigh, "now where is that pizza place Margret was talking about."

As I walk around the corner of a street, I see a pizza place. I'd read the sign at the top that says "Pete's Pizzeria 1(800)-555-5555" and walk up to the front door.

"I'd give her a 10 if that sweater wasn't in the way of her boobs, but I guess a 9 will have to do," I hear a boy next to me say to his friends.

"Excuse me?" I'd ask with a smirk. I'd notice there to be 6 boys total in the group.

"You heard me, now why don't you take off that sweater so you can be a 10," the boy with the jock jacket says back with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, ple-"
"Shut up," I say as I cut off a boy's sentence.

"Excuse me?" the boy would say fast, trying not to get cut off again.

"I'm sorry, please shut up," I say again, putting the emphasis on please. I go up to the counter to order a drink, not bothering to look at the boy.

"Why do you want me to shut up?" The boy asks after I told him to be quiet.

"Listen," I say as I hand the boy behind the counter money for my drink, "it's not that I don't like you or anything, I just don't like your accent."

"My accent?" The boy asks, getting a couple chuckles from his friends behind him.

"Yes, your accent. We live in America. It's not every day that you hear an Australian accent that sounds like it belongs to one of the biggest man-whores out there," I say as I start to walk towards our new house.

"Well who do I happen to sound like?" He asks, as I can see him following me out of the corner of my eye.

"No one that important, just this guy from a band called 5 seconds of Summer. Or, as I like to call them, Bang a girl every 5 Seconds of Whore-town," I say as I continue walking. I hear some of the boys laugh louder now, some "ooo"ing.

"I guess my accent just has that effect on people," he says, "anyway, why don't I at least give you my number?"

"I guess texting you and not hearing your accent won't be as bad as hearing that damn accent every second," I say as I pull out my phone. I face him and notice that he has sunglasses and a hoodie on.

I hand him my phone as I see him punched in a few things then I hear the sound of a text being sent.

"Hey! What was that?" I yell as I try to grab my phone.

"Relax, relax. I was just sending myself a text so I knew it was you," he says, chuckling a little. He hands me back my phone and starts to walk away.

"Can I at least get your name as well?" I yell out to him.

"Just look at the contact name," he says as I see a smirk on his lips.

I look down at my phone and see a message sent that says "Hey man-whore!(:" This confuses me so I look up at the contact name and almost drop my phone. He has to be lying.

This cannot be THE Luke Hemmings. As in 5 Seconds of Summer's lead singer. As in one of the people I hate most in the world. As in someone I just may have called a man-whore.

Oh shit.


Hello wonderful people! I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Sorry it was kinda short... Anyways!

If you did enjoy it please vote! If you didn't please vote anyway! :D

I'll talk to you all later, bye!

-han xxoo

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