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Secrets chapter 6;

"No." -Rosa Parks



Literal definition: a place where people get torched for the amusement of adults.

Okay, maybe that isn't the literal definition, but close enough. Anyways, today is my first day of school at the only high school in this town, CHS.

Crownsville High School. How original.

"Brea, hurry up or we are leaving you!" Andrew yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yell while running down the stairs. I run into the kitchen and steal Joseph's bagel out of the toaster while he's getting out the butter.

"Hey! Where'd my bagel go?" Joseph yells while Andrew and I run out to the car. Andrew beeps the horn and Joseph comes outside.

"Hungry Joseph is not a pleasant Joseph," I whisper to myself and Andrew. Joseph gets in the back and crosses his arms.

"Here Joseph, have half of my bagel," I say, giving him the half I bit out of.

"You.. what... how... my bagel!" Joseph whines while Andrew and I are cracking up laughing.

Andrew puts the car in gear, turns on the radio, and drives off to school.

"Here are your schedules. Each of you has been assigned another student in your grade to show you around for the rest of the week," The Assistant Principle, Mrs. Godoy, says.

"Brea, this is Aria, one of our best calculus students in the 12th year," Mrs. Godoy says.

"Brea!" Aria yells, running over to me and hugging me, "it's been like, 2 days! I missed you!"

"Hey, Aria," I say casually, patting her back.

"Joseph, this is Adam."

"Hey," Adam says, holding out his hand for Joseph to shake.

"Whatever," Joseph says, still grumpy from not eating breakfast.

"Don't mind him, he didn't have breakfast and is kinda grumpy," I say, patting Joseph's back in a comforting state.

"Here," Adam says, pulling a Poptart out of his backpack. We all see Joseph's eyes light up as he sees the Poptart. He grabs the package and opens it, shoving the first strawberry Poptart in his mouth.

"Andrew, this is Calum," Mrs. Godoy says as Andrew and Calum shake hands.

"Oh, hello, Brea," Calum says while nodding his head and tipping his invisible hat, "and Aria, Adam."

"Don't talk to me,"-"Nobody likes you," Adam and Aria say at the same time.

"Well then," Calum says, "I will see you later, Brea. I'm going to show Andrew around."

I wave goodbye and watch as Adam and Joseph walk off, too.

"You're friends with him?" Aria asks while grabbing my schedule.

"Yeah, I guess we are," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh no, you didn't sleep with him did you? Please tell me you didn't," Aria says facing me and grabbing my hands.

"Oh hell no!" I yell, pulling my hands away, "I've known him for 2 days, I'm not a whore!" I yell, grabbing my schedule back.

"Well, Mrs. Godoy put us both in all the same classes to make it easier for me to help you around. If course, if some of the classes are above or below your level, you can move after this week," Aria says, showing me to our first class.

I look down as we walk, not wanting to make a bad impression.

"Brea, put your head up. We aren't here to be treated as dirt. You need to stand up for yourself and not give a shit about whether people judge you or not," Aria says, tilting my chin up with her index finger, "there we go."

I smile at her and continue walking. That girl really is something.

"So, our first class is Language Arts. Most people in this class are pretty nice, but you'll know which ones to not befriend when we walk in," Aria says, stopping us at the door.

I nod my head and she opens the door to the class. Everyone's heads turn to us as we open the door, except two which I can't point out because they are too busy making out in the back of the room.

"Mr. Young, this is Brea. She is new to our class," Aria says smiling and pushing me forward.

As soon as my name was said, the boy in the back snapped out of his make-out session and looked towards me.

Lady's and gents, the one and only, Luke Hemmings.


Sorry this chapter is kinda short. I'm trying to post more and them kinda be shorter chapters rather than posting once a week and then be long.

I've been deciding whether or not One Direction should be famous or not in this book. If they should or shouldn't, please comment. Even if they aren't famous, they will still be included in the story somehow probably.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! Bye!

-han xxoo

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