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Secrets chapter 3;

"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney


"Margret, come on. Let me go out tonight, it's out first time in the town!" I say as Margret, Marcus, Joseph, Andrew, and I sit at the dinner table.

"I already told you, you aren't allowed out tonight. Not after earlier," Marcus says, picking up his plate from the table, "are you finished?"

"Yes, I am," I say, "and, I am going to my room, forever!" I yell, running up the stairs.

I run into my room and slam the door. I look around the room, looking at all the boxes on the floor. I open one of the boxes filled with books. I pull out a book and read the title; Werewolves do Exist.

I laugh at the title and open to the middle of the book, "Legend tales of a small town in an unknown area that still has ancestors of the original werewolves. They are the last of the werewolf population. Although these people may seem like ordinary people, they can become an animal larger than the average human in a second. These people consist of four males that travel to different places, but always end up back in the small town of..." the rest of the page got ripped off. Weird.

I walk over to the window and sit on the ledge. I take out my phone and look at the time; 8:43. I open the window and quickly run over to lock my door as I climb out and shut the window.

I start to walk down the dark street, using my phone as a light incase cars come. I look at my phone again and it's now 8:45. Almost there.

"Hello?" I yell when I get close to the park, "anyone there?"

I hear the sound of feet running across the ground and I quickly duck behind a trash can. I peak my head over and see four giant animals at the park. I quickly duck back down, afraid they are wild and will attack me. I lift my head up again and now, instead of four animals, I see four boys.

"Dude! Did you really have to stop that many times on the way? We only have... 5 minutes befor-" one of them starts to say before I cut them off, "hello?"

I walk around the trash can and stand in front of the four boys, seeing Michael in the group, "oh, hi Michael."

"Hey Brea..." Michael starts to say, "I didn't know the girl Luke was talking about is you."

"Luke, you were right, she does have a nice ass," I hear and see another boy with black hair say.

"Calum, shut up!" Luke says.

"Hi Calum, I'm Brea," I say, sticking my hand out. When our hands touch, Calum quickly shivers and jumps back.

"What did I do?" I ask, walking closer to Calum. He quickly looks in my eyes and runs off. Weird. The other two boys, Michael and the one I do not know the name of, look at Luke then run after him.

I turn back at look and he laughs a little then says, "well this did not turn out as planned, but yes, I am Luke Hemmings. Member of 5 seconds of summer, manwhore, most annoying person ever, whatever you want to call me. Just remember, I will never lie to a girl as beautiful as you."

I blush and look down. I hear shuffling behind and and I quickly turn around. I see two red eyes in the woods staring at Luke and I. Luke quickly puts my body behind his.

"Leave," Luke says, no fright in his voice at all. The red eyes start to fade away, as I guess whatever it was starts to back away.

"What was that?" I ask, walking back in front of Luke so I can be face to face to him.

"Nothing that you need to worry about. Speaking of worry, you should go home before your parents start to," Luke says, guiding me away from the park, "I'll walk you home."

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Luke occasionally looking back to where we saw the two red eyes in the woods.

"Thanks for walking me home, here we are," I say, walking up the front stairs of my house, "thanks for walking me home."

"I will do anything for you, sweetheart," Luke says, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Bye, Luke."

"Bye, Brea."

I walk inside and shut the door quietly. Looks like there are more secrets to this town than I thought.


Sorry I haven't updated in a week. I've been busy with school.

Please vote and comment for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading! Bye!!

-han xxoo

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