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Secrets chapter 5;

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." -Albert Einstein


"What do you mean 'you couldn't get the orange juice. All you had to do was walk to the store," Andrew says while acting like he's the smartest person in the world.

"I told you, there was something in the woods. It looked kind of like a really big squirrel," I say, getting quieter at the end. Andrew and Joseph look at each other, then back at me, then all of the sudden start bursting out laughing.

"I'm not lying! There was seriously something there!" I say, setting my shoes down by the door.

"Really, Brea. You said it looked like a big squirrel. What type of animal likes that?" Joseph says, turning on the tv.

I sigh and shake my head. This is useless. I walk upstairs to my room and sit down on my bed. I go on my phone and go on Twitter to look at Luke's feed.

'@Luke5sos: Met this amazing girl who doesn't like me. I don't think she has Twitter though:('

I slide down and look at all the responses.

'LukesDildo: I'm right here babe.'

'CakeCakeCake: yoooOOO'

'LukeHummingBird: what tis the name of this so called "girl".'

'5SecondsofMe: I volunteer as tribute.'

I click on the response button and say, 'thebeebrea: text me I'm bored and annoyed.'

At the most of 10 seconds later, Luke already responded to my tweet and texted me.

I have a hard time getting my phone on after that. Way to many notifications.

'Luke5sos: @thebeebrea the crew and I are at the pizza place. Come hang.'

I run down the stairs and quickly put on my shoes. I grab my jacket and walk out the door. I turn on my phone and check my messages. I click on the name 'Doppelgänger(Luke)' and see what he says.

'Yoyoyo me, Calum, and a couple others are down at the pizza place right now. Come meet us here if you want. Michael is leaving now and he told me that you guys are neighbors so if you don't want to walk just ask him for a ride.'

I run outside and see Michael pulling out of his driveway.

"Michael!" I yell while waving my hand in the air. "You heading to the pizza place?" I ask while he rolls down the window.

"Yeah, you want a ride?" He asks.

"That would be greatly appreciated," I say as I get into the passenger seat.

"I never said yes," he mumbles quietly as he puts the car in gear.

"I heard that, dumbass," I say, rolling my eyes.

When we get to the pizza place all the lights are off inside and Luke and his friends and nowhere to be seen.

"Brea, wait here," Michael says while getting out of car and not even looking at me.

"But what if I don't want to?" I say as I start to unbuckle out of my seatbelt.

"You don't have a choice," he says while shutting his door. I watch as he opens the door to the pizza place and walks inside the dark building.

I've been sitting in this car for almost 10 minutes and I haven't gotten any signs that Michael is still in there. I guess I should go check.

I step out of the car and quietly shut the door. I walk closer to the building. I look inside the window and see absolutely nothing. I knock on the glass and I still see nothing and hear nothing.

I open the door to the pizza place and it's pitch quiet.

"Hello?" I ask, dragging out the 'o'.

I hear someone burp and another person tell them to shut up.

"Surprise!" someone yells behind me.

The lights turn on and at least seven other people jump up from behind tables and say surprise.

"Damn, Brea, I thought you were going to come inside quicker. I didn't think you were going to stay in the car that long," Michael says while coming up behind me and patting my shoulder.

"Thanks guys, but what's the surprise?" I ask confused.

"We just throw a surprise party for every person that's new in town. But, barley anybody comes here, so this is the first party we've had in 6 months," Luke scratches his head and grabs a piece of cake, "cake?"

"Thanks. You know, you guys aren't as bad as I thought," I say smiling.


I'm in the car going to Canada right now so I had time to write this chapter and part of the next chapter. 10 hour car rides are so much fun -.-

Anyways, I hope everyone had an amazing spring break! Unless you haven't had it yet, then I hope you have a good one.

Comment where you went or are going if you want(: Bye!

-han xxoo

Secrets || Luke HemmingsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum