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Secrets chapter 2;

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." -Helen Keller


I look at my phone, then up at the so called "Luke Hemmings", then back down to my phone. He cannot see me doing this though, he and his friends have already walked away from the shop.

I decide to text him, to see if it's actually him.

'I don't believe you, this is not Luke Hemmings...' I text to him.

'Oh, but it is.' He responds, I can imagine him smirking while sending it.

'Prove it.' I text back, getting activated every time he said he was.

'Meet me at the park next to the pizza place at 9 tonight. I'll prove it to you there.(;' He sends. I smirk at the winky-face.

'See you there 'Luke Hemmings'' I send back, laughing a little.

I keep walking down the street, enjoying the peace and quiet of this small town.

"Who's that?" a voice to the right of me says.

I shoot my head in the direction of the voice, seeing a girl who looks about my age with a tall boy next to her.

"She's probably just new to the town, lets go back inside, Aria," the boy says to her, trying to pull her into the house by her arm.

"Stop, I want to go meet her," the girl, who I'm guessing is named Aria, says, running up to where I'm standing.

"Hi! I'm Aria! I've never seen you around here, are you new?" Aria says, grabbing my hand by force and shaking it.

"Hey... I'm Brea, and yeah, I'm new around here. I just moved in around the block," I say, trying not to flinch from how hard she was grabbing my hand.

"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to hurt you," she says, pulling her hand back, "this is my best friend, Adam."

"Hi Adam," I say, waving awkwardly to him.

Aria pulls my body close to her and says, pretty loudly, into my ear, "he's gay."

"Aria! That's not something you can just blurt out to someone you've barely met!" Adam yells, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Oh come on, Adam! It's not like she couldnt tell when you're wearing those pants," Aria says while patting him on the bacl, trying not to laugh.

Adam looks down at his pants and frowns, "My mom bought me these, she says I have to wear them."

I look at his pants and cant help from laughing. He's wearing pink dress pants that have little fabric rainbows all over them.

"Well, Adam, I think your pants are wonderful," I say, trying to lighten the mood. I look down at my phone and see that its 10 minutes past the time I was supposed to be home. My eyes widen and I quickly put my phone away and say, "sorry guys. I got to go help unpack. I'll talk to you later, bye!"

I start quickly running back to the house, hoping I'll get there in time. As I'm running back to the house, I notice Margret and Marcus standing on the front step. Oh shit.

"Hey Margret, Marcus," I say as I get close enough to the house that they can hear me.

"You were supposed to be back 10 minutes ago. We had to go over and ask the neighbors to help because you weren't here to unpack. You aren't allowed to go out tonight. Stay in your room," Marcus says while opening the door for me.

"That's so unfair! Margret, do you hear what he's saying?" I yell, storming part them into our new kitchen.

"Brea quiet down some, The Clifford's are here. They are our new neighbors," Margret says, following behind me.

"The Clifford's? What, do they have a big red dog, too?" I ask rhetorically, walking towards the fridge while I throw my empty cup from the pizza place in the trash can.

"We don't have a 'big red dog' but we do have a chocolate lab. Does that work for you?" Someone says, leaning against the wall in the kitchen.

I pull a bottle of water out of the fridge and turn around to look at him, "I like your hair," I say, looking at his orange hair.

"Thanks, my mom doesn't like it, though," he says laughing. "I'm Michael," he says while sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Brea, and aren't you in that one band called like, 5 Seconds of Fall?" I ask while shaking his hand.

He laughs and puts his hand back into his pocket, "it's actually 5 Seconds of Summer."

"Same difference," I say while opening my water bottle, "Shouldn't you be on tour right now?" I see Margret exit the kitchen to go and find Marcus.

"My band actually has a one year break right now. We all decided; why not go to a small city where the press would least expect to find us? And, so we won't hear screaming girls every time we walk outside," Michael says while also going over to the fridge to get a water.

"I don't believe I told you that you could get a water," I say, jumping up to sit on the island counter.

"Well considering I'm the one who carried this fridge inside, I think I should get at least a water," he says smirking.

"Fine, but that's your drink for dinner, too. My mom already told me that you are staying over," I say, watching him walk back over to the wall.

"Actually, I'm not staying for dinner. She told me it will be a late dinner and I have to go meet my friend at the park at eight to help him plan something," Michael says, "I actually have to go now so I can finish some of my school work due Monday. See you later, Brea."

"Hey wait!" I say jumping off the counter as he's already walking out of the kitchen.

"Yes?" he asks, turning back around.

"What is this friend's name and do you know what he's planning?" I ask, walking towards the door to open it for him.

"I have no idea what the hell he is planning," he says laughing, "all I know is that he needs to show someone something, and by he, I mean Luke."

"Oh okay, thanks Michael. See you soon," I say, opening up the door for him.

"See ya, Brea," he says one last time before walking out the door and across the street to his house.

Well now I guess I really have to go tonight. Who knows what this Luke guy could be planning. I just have to figure out how to get out of the house without Margret or Marcus finding out.


I understand that some of the things in this story may not be true about the members of 5sos. The thing is, this is MY story. My fan fiction. Key word: fiction. So don't go saying "That's not true, Michael doesn't have a chocolate lab" because I really don't care (:

This chapter was also longer than the first one so you're welcome :D


-Han xxoo

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