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I woke up with Adam consuming most part of my brain.

So it was safe to say that today was going to turn out to be good. If a picture could say a thousand words, I was pretty sure the one with Adam in it, had about every dirty term in the dictionary.

And if I wasn't drooling over the fact that he had those shorts on again. I suddenly felt the need to steal the picture from the trophy cabinet.

My eyes were just like a camera lens, zooming into not-so appropriate places. I probably looked like an idiot standing in front of the trophy cabinet, eye-sexing Adam.

How could he look so handsome, and innocent at the same time? Sue me for being in love.

"You seriously need to stop doing that," a familiar voice suddenly said behind me. I turned around to look at my best friend.

She had her hand on her hip, and she was scowling at me while snapping her fingers in front of my face. I blinked, not very happy she interrupted my sex dream. I was getting to the good part.

Skeptically looking at the beauty of a blonde haired girl, I said, "need I remind you that Adam saved me from the clutches of evil and he carried me in those strong, muscular arms of his to the nurse. What am I doing wrong anyway? It's not a crime you know."

Lilly grabbed me by the elbow, dragging me away from the trophy cabinet. I looked back at the picture as it faded away in the distance.

"Get yourself together. This is our senior year!" Lilly scolded me, trying to act serious. She knows how I felt about Adam. "Forget about boys. We need to focus on our inner beauty and how the universe connects with us."

I gasped melodramatically, holding my hand over my chest. "How dare you speak about Adam like that! You have no idea how much he means to me. He's an angel sent from hevean. This is my territory so you gotta deal with it."

Lilly rolled her eyes at me, but I was sure I saw the smile she was trying to hide. "Let's not do this today, okay? Maybe the universe is telling you be more content with yourself. Maybe you need to try those Zen Buddhism technique."

"Please don't start with me with the universe this early in the morning," I told her honestly as we started walking toward my locker. "Everyone and everything can suck it. Literally. Also, I need caffeine."

She laughed, holding her hand in front of her mouth as her body shook with laughter. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she said, "you're very optimistic this morning. Besides, it's not the end of the world."

I didn't say anything for the rest of the way. Maybe I didn't want to admit that she was right. Or maybe I was really insecure about talking to Adam, and asking him out.

We reached my locker I started fumbling with it, trying to snap it open. It wouldn't budge. Things were so irritable when I didn't have caffeine in my system. Where was Maya with the caffeine when I needed it the most?

"You know," Lilly said gleefully as she leaned against the locker next to mine. I hummed indicating that I was listening when I was really trying to open this stupid locker. "I applied for summer school for fashion and I have an interview next week! I'm so excited!"

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant