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I've noticed that I smile a lot now.

Which was safe to say I was content with everything I've got. Add to the fact that everything happened so fast in these past months, and I learned so many things during these months.

From hating someone specifically Liam with so much sense that it basically hurt — to loving him with all my heart. Yeah, I've progressed a lot.

As I stared at myself in the mirror, a tear escaped the brim of my right eye. The beautiful maroon suit hugged me in all the right places. My dark brown hair fell over my eyes so I brushed it back with my fingers.

Now that my brother knows about Liam and I — I wondered what the rest of the school would have to say since they always want to say something when it clearly wasn't their business.

If Liam did not want to come out, and tell everyone that we were together, I wasn't going to force him to make that decision. He had to do that on his own. All I could do was support him.

There was knock on my door, and I jumped a little, glaring at the door.

"Dale, bro, are you done yet?" came the voice of my beloved brother.

I rolled my eyes. "Close your eyes!" I yelled at him.

I could hear him sigh. "Fine! You do the same!"

Hearing the door creak open, I smirked. "Okay, from the count of three, we're gonna drop our hands and rate our outfits."

Gale chuckled. "Isn't that what we always do?" he asked with a scoff. "Okay, three, two, one."

Dropping my hand from my eyes, I gasped when I saw Gale. The dipshit had the exact same suit on as me. Gale's mouth opened. "What?" he asked, running a hand through hair. "Again with the same outfits? Geez, you gotta stop this."

"Me?" I asked incredulously, jabbing my thumb into my chest. "You're the one that's always copying me! You need to get your own sense of style, darling, because one day you're gonna be on your own. Hopefully."

He looked exactly the same as I did. Except for our shoes, and hair. He had his dishevelled ontop of his head. As reluctant as I am saying this; he looked really handsome.

Gale waved his hands at me. "Well, you always look better so..."

I gasped dramatically, holding my hand over my heart.  "Thank you, dearest brother, you don't look so bad yourself."

He smiled at me, and without warning, he advanced toward me as he engulfed me into a hug. "You're all grown now," he cooed me, "like just a few weeks ago you were just so little."

I laughed, and wiggled out of his grasp. "First of all, never touch me again. Second of all, you're only a few seconds older than me, douche."

Gale winked at me and clicked his tongue. "Exactly so respect your elders."

"Just get out now," I said growing irrated by his presence. "You've done enough for one night. And please stay away from me, I don't everyone to see we're wearing the same tuxedos."

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now